whats considered medium flow?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 16, 2005
Fort lauderdale, FL
i just bought 2 of my first corals

A finger leather
and a ricordia

but now im thinking, how much is medium flow?
they both are recommended at that flow in a few places. anyone got a rule of thumb of what that means?

i have a mag 7, pumping 4 ft water, 480gph about.
i have a mag 1200 in there, but i turned it off. just cuz the tank always seemed to have tiny debris blowing around alot.

also, is bacteria causing my tank water to not look crystal clear? from like algae? my phosphates i think is a lil bit high. i need to take care of that soon.

anyhow, thanks!
currents dont have to be direct at the coral, they will disperse on rocks or the wall, as long as you can gurantee water movement by the coral you should be fine.
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