Whats the Best Air pump -PLEASE HELP

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 17, 2005
I'm looking for help with an air pump for a 75gallon tank. What's the best with the most output? I've tried the Tetratec AP200 Dual Outlet Air Pump with Flow Controls with little satisfaction.

I want to maximize the oxygen in the tank and I am wondering what type of air bubbler I should use to meet my expectations.

Thank you for any advice and specifics on products.
I agree with the suggestion to use Rena air pumps. I use nothing but them (one 300 and four 200 models) on my tanks and they are quiet and powerful. They are also easy to maintain (I get the parts from www.thatpetplace.com). I would recommend the Rena Air 300 at a minimum for a 75 gallon tank although it depends on how many devices are going to be attached to it. I suggest using the Micro-Bubbler as your air stone.
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