When (and when not) to prune...?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 9, 2013
Hey everyone, my red ozelot sword has a few new leaves coming up. They're the same size for roughly two weeks, probably more. Also the leaves seem to be somewhat transparent. They have reddish colors, just seem thinner for som reason. Since they're not really growing, should I prune them? Will it harm the plant?
I've had Red Ozelots a lot on the past. Be sure and give them a root tab nearby and maintain a normal water column fert regime. Weak leaves could be too low light intensity. What lights do you have? OS.
My lights are T5 HO 6500 and 10,000. I run them 8 hrs to try and cut down algae. This was happening even when I was running them 12 hours. I planted them with flourish tabs about every six inches around the diameter, and one right by the roots. Also dose flourish liquid fert 2x/ week. It's a mystery to me, wondering if it's just a bad new stem?
Think I'm going to trim the young leaves that look weak and see what happebs
I remember having one sword that never would put out new roots. It's like it had some kind of root disease or was shocked somehow. I bought another just like it, put it in the same place and it grew like crazy. OS.
That's what I hear from those who have been planting aquariums a lot longer than me. Sometimes they just don't work! It's weird that the rest of the plant is doing fine, just these few new shoots. They came up like two days after I planted it so I thought it was going to go crazy, it still might!
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