When does color show on fry?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 30, 2012
I believe my platy fry are about a month old, and I was wondering when color starts to show on fry. One of the Fry is noticeably bigger than the other fry, and I think I'm starting to see a little black on the fins of the bigger one all the other fry are still clear looking with no color.
It takes 3 weeks for fry to usually get full color unless its from a livebearer then Idk
Fishfreak1 said:
It takes 3 weeks for fry to usually get full color unless its from a livebearer then Idk

Darn... They are from livebearer; a platy.
Then by 3 weeks they should have full color unless they don't eat we'll or are sick or have some injury or illness
Fishfreak1 said:
Then by 3 weeks they should have full color unless they don't eat we'll or are sick or have some injury or illness

They seem to be growing and I watch them when I feed them, they eat well from what I can tell.
Fishfreak1 said:
Then by 3 weeks they should have full color unless they don't eat we'll or are sick or have some injury or illness

Huh? I have guppies. They take 2-4 MONTHS to develop a hint of color- and the ones that are born colored die
I have mollies swordtails now used to have platies and it usually took 3 weeks to develop full color for me but my tank was established so I don't know how your tanks are
Mines don't die other than the ones with clipped tail and things like that but those are usually the ones without the color
Fishfreak1 said:
I have mollies swordtails now used to have platies and it usually took 3 weeks to develop full color for me but my tank was established so I don't know how your tanks are

My tank is ten months old, planted sort of, high flow. I doubt the color will come much faster when I have show quality guppies set up in a seventeen tank fishroom
More times then not they take over a month to show true color. I have never seen any show earlier.
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