Where to position fluval inlet and output?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 16, 2012
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Hello all -

I'm setting up a fluval filter for the first time. Before this, I've used the "hang on the back" type filters, so I've never had to consider inlet/output placement.

So, where in the tank should the inlet and output pipes be situated? I mean with respect to one at each end of the tank? I have the manufacturers recommendations in terms of how deep the the tank they should be (so many inches from the surface and substrate).

Thanks in advance for any help!

Susan (setting up for cichlids)
How big is the tank?
what is the substrait?
how big is the fluval filter?
you dont want any loops in the hose but some slack.
you want the canister under the tank completely.
make sure no substrait gets in the filter intake.
wet the rubber seal before you put the lid on with petroleum jelly or casgit grease.
most of the time you want the intake on one end of the tank and the output on the other... or put the out put where you want a current to form.
its best to make sure nothing covers up the intake.
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