white stuff on driftwood

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 26, 2011
I have had my driftwood in for a few months and now I see some white fuzz on my driftwood and done parts have a greyish tone to it. I can't get a good picture of it. Should I be worrying?
Hard to say without seeing it. Do you know what type of wood it is? Have you changes anything in the tank or your routine?

I have a pc of grapevine in my tank now that has a white fuzz but it's new and that normally happens with that type of wood when first put in a tank.

You can try taking it out and scrubbing it off in a bucket of tank water. then just watch to see if it comes back after you return it to the tank.
I asked the same when it occurred in my tank. A lot of responses were that it was natural and will go away with time or a scrubbing.
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