white stuff on glass

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If it is like mine was, its dust from the pfs that attached to the glass. An algae cleaner should remove it. But I'm not so sure since your fish have died. I'm sorry for your corries :(
Don't do anything too dramatic yet & most importantly, don't get too discouraged. We all have tanks that don't work out for one reason or another.

Have you been monitoring your ammonia, nitrite & nitrate levels, KH & GH?What are the numbers?
Are you using CO2?

The first thing you need to do is water changes, no additives at all except declorinator. Do 50% straight away. Then again tommorow. Keep an eye on how the fish & if they show the slightest sign of distress, do a water change. If you are using Co2 disconnect it & add some air via a pump & stone. Keep doing at least a 10% water change every day for a week or so.
Keep monitoring all your levels & see how it all looks in a couple of weeks.

Even if you decide to pull it all apart, just sterilize it & try again. Go slow & cycle the tank properly & you should be able to get it going right.
Don't give up the hobby though. It's very rewarding when you get it all right & once you do you will wonder why it wasn't this easy all along.

im not giving up on the hobby, just on that tank... all my others (knock on wood) are doing great. my 150 has some very happy looking fish in it, and the 10's seem to be doing fine. Ive had problems with this tank since i got it. I have cleaned and steralized three times, once when i got it, and twice after unexplained deaths in the tank. Ive used vinegar, bleach, and even these tank wipes that im sure are junk... i have no idea whats going on, i think the tank is just posessed... i think what im going to do is just sell it, and buy the tank ive been wanting anyways, a 37 gallon with some nice T5HO lighting on top... oh and as for the params, ammonia-0, nitrIte-0, nitrate-15, ph-7.4, no co2, and ive never tested for kh/gh before since my ph is always the same from week to week. The only fish i have successfully kept in this tank were jack dempseys, and it was too small for more than a pair, so i got rid of them...
im not giving up on the hobby, just on that tank... all my others (knock on wood) are doing great. my 150 has some very happy looking fish in it, and the 10's seem to be doing fine. Ive had problems with this tank since i got it. I have cleaned and steralized three times, once when i got it, and twice after unexplained deaths in the tank. Ive used vinegar, bleach, and even these tank wipes that im sure are junk... i have no idea whats going on, i think the tank is just posessed... i think what im going to do is just sell it, and buy the tank ive been wanting anyways, a 37 gallon with some nice T5HO lighting on top... oh and as for the params, ammonia-0, nitrIte-0, nitrate-15, ph-7.4, no co2, and ive never tested for kh/gh before since my ph is always the same from week to week. The only fish i have successfully kept in this tank were jack dempseys, and it was too small for more than a pair, so i got rid of them...

You said you sterilized the tanks, did you ever sterilize the filters? I would recommend filling the tank with a sterilizing solution like a bleach or hydrogen peroxide solution and run your filter with no media for a while to make sure the filter is sterilize too. I had a bad bout of some random bacteria (only symptom I know was dropsy) when I started the hobby, and sterilized everything but the filter, only to have it come right back.
yeah, i made sure i cleaned everything very well... i ran vinegar then a bleach solution in without cartridges and let it run over night.. its no biggie though, i know it was that tank as it was the only one that ever had problems like that. BTW, its gone :) I traded it for a 55 last night, now my fiance found a better 55 with stand and the awefulest bunch of freebies in the world for $100, so ill probably be selling it and getting the nicer newer one. Looks like im doing another mbuna tank :)
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