Why don't more people use flourish excel?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 28, 2004
Utah, USA
Why don't more people use flourish excel? I havn't bought any yet, but it sounds like a much better alternative than DIY CO2.
I use Flourish Excel for my smaller tanks (5 and 10 gallons) but it really isn't cost effective for anything 20 gallons or larger IME. That is when you should really begin using CO2 from either a DIY setup or a pressurized system. I use the Hagen CO2 kit on my 20 and 30 gallon tanks that have higher output light fixtures.
I have never heard of it ..... You can use this stuff in stead of a CO2 system ?
I might try some in my 10gal. I want to get my Java moss growing so i can add some to my other tanks as it is hard to find in my area.
CO2 is only really needed when enough light is added to drive photosynthesis.

Although the addition of CO2 won't hurt plants, care is required to make sure pH remains stable. Adding CO2 to low light tanks doesn't really benefit anything.
hashbaz said:
Why don't more people use flourish excel? I havn't bought any yet, but it sounds like a much better alternative than DIY CO2.

Excel is a good product but have limited use. It is only mildly effective for smaller tanks. DIY CO2 will produce far superior results under moderate to high lighting situations though on small the medium sized tanks using both Excel and DIY CO2 offers excellent results. The combination of the two offers the best of both and help cover the weakness of each. Pressurized CO2 systems are still more efficient, stable, and produce more consistently successful long term results.
gheitman said:
I use Flourish Excel for my smaller tanks (5 and 10 gallons) but it really isn't cost effective for anything 20 gallons or larger IME.

I thought this was the case too until I looked a little closer. 2 Liters costs $22 at BigAls. This will last about 2 years on my 29. That works out to $10 per year. How much does a year of sugar and asprin cost for DIY?

I recognize that CO2 is better and that Excel is not an option above a certain amount of lighting. But for a low-tech, 2wpg tank Excel seems a TON easier than CO2.
my hairgrass pearls seconds after adding excel in my 3g but just like gheitman said, i wouldnt use it on anything bigger than a 20g
I agree it's not as effective in a larger water column. I will say that it is useful in addition to Co2 as many have found. It also has iron content which is good. I'd say that DIY is a better method. It's really not that bad i dont think. It takes me all of 5 minutes to mix and I just use 2 2liter bottles that i rotate out. I make the new mix about 2 days before switching out which I do every 2 weeks at my weekly 50% water change. If your gonna send the money in a bigger tank I'd focus more on your fertilizing routine.
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