Why I hate roomates

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 30, 2003
I spent the night at a friends house yesterday and while there I got a phone call from my roomate stateing that my fish tanks smelled like burning plastic. I told them to find out what smelled and unplug it. I get home this afternoon to find that they unplugged EVERYTHING! my tanks were without power for about 16-17 hours needless to say the temps were way down and my tanks are cloudy. My bio wheels better not have died off that would be cause for a cycle and me shooting people if my fish die :). I was not a happy person and told all my roomates that even if it's on fire DONT TOUCH!

think that should get my point across. ahh that's better just needed to vent.
nope everything started up fine and ran well I'm gonna pull my timer apart when my lights shut off.
Did you change the filters before starting it back up? If not all that bacteria that had died in the filter will increase the ammonia level in your tank.
I would be doing some water changes over the next few days and testing to see if a new cycle has started.
I feel your pain with roommates. I live in a dorm at OSU and my roommate feeds my fish when they look "hungry". I came back once and found nearly 30 pellets floating my my breeder tank (for a pair of yellow lab cichlids). She does it all the time. I have actually put a infared remote lock (so cool) on my tank so only I can open in. Fortunately she is scared to death of my eel.
Ohhh you have a eel! me too! good plan on the lock. BTW I've been changing 10g every other day and was lucky and didn't get a spike on anything. I don't know how. It's possible that I missed the spike though too.

he doesn't like to have his picture taken but he likes to bit my finger.
there's my eel you should post some pics for everyone to see!
My eel is still pretty shy but he/she/it is getting better. I switched my light to a black light so it comes out during the day. I'll post pics when I get to my dorm room. I have a disposable underwater camera so I will play papparazi with my eel when I get back to my room.
LOL a disposable underwater camera that's a new one everyone else is worrying about the camera focusing on the glass instead of the fish and you just hop in the water with em :lol:
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