Will my Java fern come back to life?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 20, 2005
taunton MA
I bought a "giant ahhnold" Java fern from

and when it came it was really badly withered and falling apart, I put it in the tank and it's been about a month and nothing has happened so I decided to cut all the dead leaves off but now I’m afraid it wont grow back

I basically have the Rhizome and roots with a bunch of long stems sticking out of it

Would it grow back or is it dead?

I'd recommend cutting it back to the rhizome completely. Those stems will do nothing and might prevent the java fern from sending out new leaves. I've also heard if you trim the roots a bit it might spur new growth. I've got a small java fern rhizome right now in a similar situation and don't know what to do with it. It's been about a week with no growth...
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