Will Skimmer Help Cyano

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 27, 2005
Albany, NY
A buddy of mine has a 35 gallon hex, he has two MJ-900's a biowheel rated for a 20 gallon tank, two 100 watt heaters, 40lbs of liverock, with a 4 inch sand bottom. He uses RO water and instant Ocean salt. He said he has a reddish alage on his sand and on the glass, and some bright green spots. Is this Cyano, and i told him that a skimmer like a BakPak2 would help clean it up but he doesnt beleive me. Will a skimmer clean up CYANO? Any other recommendations?


- Jeff
Cyano is slimy. I have some reddish algae (with green) under my sand on the glass too but it isn't cyano. Give us a better description of the algae...
Cyano is usually red, reddish brown, sometimes so dark it looks black.

Doesn't sound like cyano. I'd test phosphates anyway, as they fuel cyano growth.

If it was cyano, a skimmer could help, as it will remove some of the organics which are breaking down into phosphates.
I have the best stuff in the world for the reddish black algae. I put in one scoop, and literally the stuff was gone overnight. The only thing is I can not remember the name of it. I will look when I go home and let you know if you are interested.

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