Wish me luck.......well my fish really need it.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 8, 2005
So Cal
The little misses and myself are going out of town for the most part of four days, so I have placed my confidence in my father to feed my fish. 8O

I have read some of the horror stories about people leaving on vacation and returning to belly up fish in green water, so I have asked my father only to feed every other day (I am playing it safe). 8O Everything is on timers so I am hoping all will go smooooth. I didn't show him where any of the plant ferts were because I had a feeling he might want to be generous and give the cute little plants some extra food! :evil:

Wish my fish and tanks luck! May GOD speed.
Good luck!!! And enjoy yourself on your trip!!!!
You can always prepare some dosages of food for the fish, and tell your dad to give that, and nothing more.
Your only going to be gone for 4 days??
IMO it would be safer to have no food... rather then too much.
When I leave for more then a 4-5 days, I just put the amount in zip lock bags that I want fed... that way I know they arent getting too much from someone thats not experienced. Thankfully the person that feeds my fish while Im gone has had fish before so she knows...
Four days with no food wouldnt hurt your fish. They can go far longer with no ill effects. You will just return to fish that are really happy to see you!
If you are the least bit worried, skip the feeding while you are gone. I would not hesitate to leave my fish unfed for 4 days (just did a 4-day blackout for green water, fish right as rain). If it is going to be a week or more I have someone come every other day.
I think if you are going to stick to the feeding it would be a great idea to get one of those 7-day pill things. Fill each with the food for that day, then you know your fish are safe!! (y)
I know how you feel, I leaving for 4 days too next weekend and my son is looking after the fish. That 7 day pill idea sounds like a good idea. I might just do that instead of having him feed the fish. Although someone still has to watch my house as I have 5 cats as well that will need to be fed. Good luck with your fish and have fun on your trip!
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