wisteria. what does it need?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 7, 2011
Hi all just bought a clump of wisteria off ebay for cheap has anybody grown this before what does it need. How fast will it grow and will it root to wood or rock or free float. The only thing i can seem to keep happy are java fern and crystalwort have been trying for the forest tank effect but keep getting the dreaded brush algae
thanks lee
All you need is water and light.

I have some connected to a tall ornament by a rubber band. It is floating at the top of the water. I have to give it a "hair cut" every month or it will cover half of the 100 gallon tank it is in. I trim it back to a small clump.
I think it's very hard to kill if provided with light. Low, high... Doesnt matter. Great beginner plant. But it gets weedy looking for me, it doesnt stay compact because i have low light. I chop off the nice looking pieces and replant them every once in a while.
mine was really nice at the beggening but now i have to trim it every two weeks and very weedy
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