Woo! Finally took some pictures!

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Thanks! When I was a kid I had probably 10 of them at one point, all in bowls sitting on my dog's kennel. My dad owned a Cajun/creole restaurant and we got them shipped in live. Whenever he spotted an oddity it came home with me. Had a couple blues, an albino, bright red, and purplish ones at various times. This one came in with some ghost shrimp at my LFS and I got her for free. She's maybe 3 or 4 inches now, got her at maybe an inch long back around late september.
Nice pictures. It lookd like you have some neat ideas and some really cool projects! I like the celtic pattern you have in top pictures. That will be a very unique tank. :)
Thanks absolut! I wish my other tanks looked as awesome right now but all my aqua scraping attention is on the new tank. Can't quite bring myself to carefully rearrange an air tube under sand when it is going to be moved with the fish soon enough. The glass pieces in the current puffer tank is all made by the glassblower from the renaissance faire I work at. My boyfriend assisted him last year so he made us some stuff for the tank!
It looks even better when it's sparkly clean but it's a pain in the butt to take it out and scrub it so it usually just gets an in-tank wipe down. It's a bit algae covered right now.
Wow lovin the tanks!! Crayfish is big for me! Nice decorations and all!
Thanks! My cray is almost 4 inches long now, she was barely over an inch when I got her a couple months ago. Her name is Delacroix (dell-ah-crow for those unfamiliar with strange Cajun names...). She was a gift from my LFS after she got mixed in with some ghost shrimp.
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