Woohooo started a project

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 16, 2004
Ok so I went to Lowe's tonight and got all the fittings.... drilled my tank and now I'm ready to run my "gravity driven" drain into a home made sump/refugium..

I'm going tommorow for the container, light, and some stuff to put into it.

I'm open to any ideas for the refugium.... not really sure what I should put in there.. my main focus for building this was to increase water volume and to create a fuge..... the guy at the LFS told me that for it to be a fuge that I need minimal water flow is this correct????

I'm not planning on putting any equipment in there except a pump to get the water back..... any suggestions for that?????
I'm also wondering do I need to let the "fuge" cycle.... or can I start adding creatures.....

I am planning on getting a PC for the fuge....
For give my igorance as I am not much of a do-it-yourselfer and do not know a lot about plumbing. I am curious about this "gravity driven" tank. Are you planning to use an overflow box of any kind? It would seem without one the chance for an overflow all over the carpet is pretty high.
No the "hole" where the plumbing is is set pretty high into the tank... so basically if the return pump fails, then only so much of the tank water will be able to drain into the sump.

Basically it's like an overflow....
Great! Keep us posted on the project. Are you doing this on your 60gal?
Yeah sure am..... I've mixed the water... and am going to look for a "fuge" container today... and maybe even a few things to stock it.
Ok so everythings done.... I've got a 25 gal container.... a 28 watt PC lighting fixture, some outta the bag live sand, a 10lb. LR, and some algae......

I was thinking of turning this into "crab land" since there are so many crabs that I can't keep in the main...... would this be ok??? Would it defeat the point of a fuge??
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