world's worst aquarium?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 20, 2006
dayton, oh
This is absurd. First off, it looks like two of the three compartmants may actually be more cramped than your average betta cup. The real gem, though, is the twisted description:

The ultimate betta showcase safely separates bettas, yet their close proximity prompts them to intensify their colors, spread their fins and flair their gills instinctively.

I guess Lee's is an all-around unscrupulous company. The only products I can think of that I've seen of theirs are an extremely flimsy-looking under-gravel filter and a blatant ripoff of the Python.

I wonder if they've thought of marketing fish parasites as gag gifts, or perhaps branching out into products which aid in the removal of insect appendages...
If walmart will buy a billion of them...who could resist making and selling them?

I would like to think that I would never support something like that, but I guess Lee's is alright with it.
Nice. Taking advantage of a betta's natural tendency to flare at other betta's and providing an environment to do so non-stop is always a nice idea right? So long as folks think this is a good idea, these products will always be around.
hmm. think about living constantly with two of your worst enemies, not knowing when one'll pounce on you and take a big chunk outta your tail, and possibly kill you. and the worst part is, you can do nothing about it. absolutely nothing, cause they have this invisble forcefield that gives a sharp thwak everytime you try to cross it. so what do you do?
you live in a state of constant vigil, always wondering when the next attack might come from when the forcefield vanishes. and there's no respite even when you are sick...
believe me, i wouldn't my worst enemies to share that fate.
If people would quit buying Bettas, you would not see products like this. What a beautiful fish they are and the only reason they house these like this, is because they will live under these conditions. Half the time you see them in the little cups that haven't had any water added in weeks. I even found some one day behind some dry goods. It is all of the fault of the DA that runs the store.

I would rather not see them in the stores and to be available by mail order only.
Yep, bettas are one of those fishes that often gets 'abused' because of its appeal.

Non-betta related but worthy for this category (by 'worthy' I mean that in the loosest possible way). I found this once while searching for fish vids on youtube:

Suffice to say, it disgusted me when I saw it...
Jchillin said:
Nice comment JRagg...well deserved. In the meantime, let's not allow the link to overpower the OP's thread regarding the betta tank, ok?

Oops, sorry, I thought it was just a thread about really bad aquariums in general, not a specific betta one. Didn't mean to thread hijak! :)
i rescued my sister's betta to a 10 gallon rectangle tank. the little guy loves it in there! he swims around non-stop and is healthier than ever.

most people don't realize how active these fish can be. they're so much more fun in a bigger tank where they can swim free!
most people don't realize how active these fish can be. they're so much more fun in a bigger tank where they can swim free!

I'm on my second betta (first one died from tiger barbs nipping its fins... doh!) and I've never had one in a tank smaller than 29 gallons. I like being able to watch them swim around.
Well my LFS gets a lot of bettas and all of them are immediately acclimated to 10 gallon tanks and let go in them for space and comfort. I hate seeing them in the little cups unless they are well kept, like that ever happens. The ones from my LFS are the healthiest I have ever gotten. The only really sad part is the store is so far off the beaten path that a little more fish die in transit than should normally. But that is another topic. Scamps in the local "mall" is absolutely the worst about caring for fish and in 2/3rds of their tanks you can't barely see the fish for the massive amounts of algae in them. They never clean the tanks and the management won't do a thing about it. I know, I have tried.
Ferret_Friend said:
most people don't realize how active these fish can be. they're so much more fun in a bigger tank where they can swim free!

I'm on my second betta (first one died from tiger barbs nipping its fins... doh!) and I've never had one in a tank smaller than 29 gallons. I like being able to watch them swim around.

Even though I started this thread, I have to say that people are a little too focused on tank size being "cruel" to fish. I mean, honestly ... you never put a betta in a tank under 29 gal, but you're OK with putting it in with fish that are going to terrorize it, biting it till it dies?

I'm not saying you're a bad guy. It's just something I was thinking about. I can't help being fascinated by the crayfish and lobsters mauling fish right before the customers' eyes in several LFS.
Tostada said:
Even though I started this thread, I have to say that people are a little too focused on tank size being "cruel" to fish. I mean, honestly ... you never put a betta in a tank under 29 gal, but you're OK with putting it in with fish that are going to terrorize it, biting it till it dies?

I think its cruel to put any fish in anything less than 10 gallons. However, from what I've seen bettas aren't the fastest swimmers and they have a lot of "frill" that other fish can grab ahold of, so they probably dont make the best community tank fish.

The betta I'm caring for has only two tankmates in his new 10gal home: a dwarf frog (about the size of a dime right now) and a tiny pleco for "housekeeping". He stands no chance of being nipped by either of these guys.
My girlfriends dad told me a story about how when he was a young man, there was a bar in the Bronx NY that would buy a bunch of Bettas from the LFS and that night at the bar, "Pit Fight" the Bettas til one was fatally injured or dead and the patrons would bet on the fights and win drinks on the house, money and other prizes for whoever bet on the winning fish. Sounds almost fun in a retarded, mentally-ill, drunken-macho-arsehole kinda way... Relating to the topic tho, have you seen those "Wall Tanks" that are like, 18"W x 16"H x 2" deep? They look like a 2-dimensional deathtrap for fish. I have also seen a guy on ebay selling 60" (5 foot) tall tanks with a footprint of less than 1 foot square... "Educational for the kiddies!" He spouts, never even mentioning the words "gas exchange at the surface" or the serious lack thereof... Jerks and morons the whole bunch of em.
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