I believe that is helping when people say that won't work or that fish shouldn't be with that fish etc... And most people DO offer suggestions on what size tank a fish needs and filtration and also what fish could be kept with what fish and what fish is more aggressive then others and so on and so on... Not really sure what your talking about. This site and the members on it have SAVED my tank! Because of the advice,knowledge and there patience with dealing with someone who just started out I have a thriving 75 gallon African tank and I've thanked them over and over again.
I guess some may get frustrated when people ask so many questions and already have a ton of fish in a small tank under poor conditions and after asking all the questions they just ignore us and do what they want anyway. That's annoying.
Don't ask questions if you know the answers your going to receive aren't want you wanna hear.
Plus there's plenty of reading and research people can do before hand. Don't just jump into things and expect the members here to fix things overnight, research is everyone's best friend.
Where here to help and offer advice but sometimes out hard work at answering a multitude of questions it all falls on deaf ears! I've seen it all too often, someone asks a question gets the answer (the right answer) doesn't like and starts another thread in hopes on getting an answer that suits them.
That's NOT what this forum is about. Were here to help, straight to the point REAL advice that works. Were not gonna tip toe around your questions, we'll give it to you straight it's up to the members asking the questions what they do with the information given to them.
A lot will listen, some won't. The choice is yours.
Like I said before. The members here saved my tank and fish and I will forever be grateful for all they have done!!
It's amazing what can happen when one actually takes in the information given and acts on it
You can lead the horse but you can't make it drink...
And that's the bottom line....