Would this be overstocked?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2021
Hi I’m new in the hobby and wanted opinion on my stocking plans. I’m buying the Ada 60p (17.1 gallons) and here’s what I’m thinking
5 panda corydoras
5 zebra otos
8 rummynose tetra
8 harlequin rasboras
Would this be too much? Aqadvisor puts me at 117%, but I’ve heard it can be a bit conservative. Tank will be fairly heavily planted. I would also probably have some shrimp but I don’t think they increase the bio load much. Any opinions or advice is welcome!
It feels like a heavy stock for a 60 litre tank. I did the same as you and put it in aqadvisor and i came out at 112% stock. Weirdly the same stock in a 55 litre tank is over 150% stock, so something is wrong somewhere.

If you keep up with weekly water changes i think you would be good.

Are you planning a fish in or fishless cycle? That might dictate your starting stock.

If you are doing a fishless cycle, once cycled I would start with the corys and either the tetras or rasboras. See how things go. If you are keeping on top of water parameters then add in some more. Etc.
It feels like a heavy stock for a 60 litre tank. I did the same as you and put it in aqadvisor and i came out at 112% stock. Weirdly the same stock in a 55 litre tank is over 150% stock, so something is wrong somewhere.

If you keep up with weekly water changes i think you would be good.

Are you planning a fish in or fishless cycle? That might dictate your starting stock.

If you are doing a fishless cycle, once cycled I would start with the corys and either the tetras or rasboras. See how things go. If you are keeping on top of water parameters then add in some more. Etc.
Thanks for responding! I’m definitely planning on cycling it before I put any fish in, I’ll take your advice and start with the corys and one of the schools once that’s done and see how it goes. So you think as long as the water changes don’t start getting out of hand I’d likely be okay to build up to that stocking ?
From a water quality PoV if your filter can cope and you keep up with your water changes you should be good. I think it might look a bit crowded, but that's personal preference. If it was me i would just go with 1 school of tetras/rasboras (maybe 10 or 12), half dozen corys and shrimp or snails in a 60 litre tank and call it a day.
One thing to consider (with any tank) is once the tank is fully cycled and stocked, keeping the nitrate level from getting too high can be a challenge with a heavily stocked tank.

Having fast growing plants can help this up to a point as can frequent water changes,
Also be careful that you do not over feed them
However, it still can be a challenge with the nitrates

IMO , anything making it necessary to perform more than about a 30% water change weekly can become real PITA. for most people

In the end it is a balancing act how the things that are set up in a given tank and what is necessary to maintain a healthy environment for the fish.

BTW I am a big fan of Panda Corys and Harlequin Rasboras..:)
I would personally add those first .... maybe 5 of each.
Then maybe a school of Neon Tetras
That would make a great looking and very peaceful tank.

Whatever you do, monitor your nitrate level as you slowly add more fish of your choice ..
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