Yellow prawn (watchman) goby

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My YWG does not leave the sand floor other than feeding time may quickly swim to grab some food then straight back near entrance of he's burrow.
LOL That's exactly what my pink spotted watchman does. He never really leaves his burrow and it's been a few wekks.
I place some small pieces of krill near a borrow entrance or the pistol to snatch. He's quick once he smells it
Funny you said that I was going to ask if and what people feed their pistol shrimps. I always taget some brine shrimp near the borrow of my yellow watchman goby/ pistol shrimp but never see the shrimp eat. Had the shrimp over 2 months now so he's gotta be living on something lol. ?
My Yellow Prawn Gobie does the same thing but he does switch burrows throughout the day. I have a Sleeper Banded Goby and a Diamond watchman Goby Share'n the tank with the little guy so he stays on the bottom and tries out all the burrows the diamond made but he always goes back to his when he grabs some food. The sleeper stays in the middle level and picks off the rocks all day.
Me too I have a blood red fire shrimp that only comes out of hide'n when i feed everyone. He is fun to watch but only comes out when he wants to. Same goes for my two electric orange hermit crabs.
PrettyFishies said:
I like to see my shrimp. This allows me to give him a treat and see him. They are cool, but so reclusive

What do you feed your pistol shrimp? as I said earlier I try feeding brine shrimp but same as your is reclusive so as soon as I put the long pipette in to target feed him and the YWG he just bolts inside the borrow and when he come out brine is either already been eaten by others or is swept away by current.

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