You Know You Love Aquariums When.....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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You aren't overly disappointed to find a leak in a 6g tank you are setting up because you have another one sitting ready to go.
When you find yourself in the car going to the fish shop instead on the supermarket like you were meant to
When your mom tells everyone that what you want for Christmas and birthday is petco gift cards.....
When your adult daughter says she has a dentist appointment an hour away in a different town, and you know the town just opened a new fish store and so you want to go to the dentist with her, not for moral support but really to see the new fish store! :angel:
One lfs knows you by name and another two on sight. And if you really, really need to - you could draw a shelving map so somebody else could get an item you need.

And from someone my neighbor knows that has a SW tank - your house is alarmed not for burglars, but in case of power failure so you can race home from work to switch on the generator. Which to me makes perfect sense.
You Know You Love Aquariums When.....

you start to transfer everything from a 37g and 40g saltwater into a larger tank 90g

When your closet is filled with tanks for your future fish room.
When your closet is filled with tanks for your future fish room.
+1 when your storage locker is filled with tanks, some needing repair because you will definitely need lots of huge tanks in your future fish room.
When youre looking for a house and base all your decisions on where your aquariums will go...
The area in your living room has as much space filled with tanks as it does lounges and you are willing to remove lounges for more tanks when you find "The tank you need" Every tank from a 5g to a 120g you see at the right price is a tank you need :rolleyes:
The area in your living room has as much space filled with tanks as it does lounges and you are willing to remove lounges for more tanks when you find "The tank you need". But every tank from a 5g to small swimming pools you see at the right price is a tank you need :rolleyes:. Outdoor ponds are weighing heavily on your mind.
When I'm in chemistry and Nitrogen is mentioned, all I think about is the nitrogen cycle!
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