YoYo Loaches

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 1, 2013
Peyton, CO

I just brought home 6 YoYo loaches and have never kept them before. Does anyone that is familiar with the fish having any suggestions for me?

Only that I find the young ones are adept tank jumpers on any gap (at least here) and the older ones will happily sleep on their back “dead” (bit of a panic here first few times!).

I found them very inquisitive but no harm done to any fish. Snails beware though haha.
These guys are really funny. They love sand, and made a cave under sand and DW and river stones - so they like caves and hideouts. Mine were bought from someone changing over their tank so they are adults (6). Love snails as Delapool mentioned as well as meaty foods. I feed mine lots of frozen defrosted foods, and they like the Hikari Sinking Omnivore wafers a lot too (orange trim package) and Seaweed Extreme. They are kinda, long little fish pigs.
Thanks for the responses. They have been fun to watch and I bought some wafers for them yesterday because I was afraid that they wouldn't get enough to eat otherwise.

I have MTS in my tank and a lot of babies, so hopefully the shells won't be too hard for them.

The gap between the the cover and the back of the aquarium is really narrow, but I'll keep an eye out.

Thanks again!
I’d walk by tank and every so often one would be just doing circle laps at the glass keeping itself amused for 5 minutes. Tempting to get them again :)
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