Ziggy's Corner Planter

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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A little of everything:

Rotala gia lai
Blyxa japonica
Pogostemon erectus
Some extra (only a bit) staurogyne 'portovelho'
Limnophila aromatica
Limnophila wavy

You're going to have to wait 2 weeks because I just trimmed. I'm going to take the tank down in 3 so everything except some blyxa and the port velho will be available for the taking. Only thing available atm is erectus and some staurogyne.

Ok, getting off topic a bit here, but where do you buy your plants from? You always have such interesting ones!
Ok, getting off topic a bit here, but where do you buy your plants from? You always have such interesting ones!

I get them online in trades and in purchases from people on different plant forums, mainly the planted tank and aquatic plant central. Always a better deal there than in big stores. Only problem with buying right now is that it's almost if not is to hot to ship plants assuredly right now. Fall and spring are the best times to buy.
Well the fish are now in the 54g tank. There is nothing in there with them really other than a cheap plastic thing that I've had for ever. Just a place for the pleco to hide.

At some point this weekend I will get stuff for the tank....
A little of everything:

Rotala gia lai
Blyxa japonica
Pogostemon erectus
Some extra (only a bit) staurogyne 'portovelho'
Limnophila aromatica
Limnophila wavy

You're going to have to wait 2 weeks because I just trimmed. I'm going to take the tank down in 3 so everything except some blyxa and the port velho will be available for the taking. Only thing available atm is erectus and some staurogyne.

I don't know a lot about plants....the names anyway, so you will have to help me out there....hehe
Wow, just read through all 69 pages on this. Excited to see what the new plans for the tank are. I loved reading through your saltwater threads, but could never afford one. Great to see you doing freshwater now!
Wow, just read through all 69 pages on this. Excited to see what the new plans for the tank are. I loved reading through your saltwater threads, but could never afford one. Great to see you doing freshwater now!

Thanks for taking the time to read through!! Hope I was able to help you some!
Here are some pics of the driftwood I picked up today...




This is the smaller piece that will need some serious soaking to sink...



The larger pieces will not stay in the places they are in now. I have them wedged down to get them to start soaking up water. Tomorrow I'm gonna pick up some more plants I think...
Seriously i love the driftwood! Whats happening to the other peice?

Which other piece are you talking about? The one in the bucket or the big stump I had before??

The stump is not going to be used and is drying out and being stored. The one in the bucket is just soaking.
Went by the LFS today and picked up some plants. Decided to get some Vals, HC dwarf baby tears) and some more micro sword. The drift wood is soaking up the water nicely though still floating so it will remain wedged down. I'm going to get the parts I need to build an inline CO2 Reactor and get CO2 in the tank as well as set up the auto dosers. Time to rock this tank out!

Pics to follow soon!
Some more pics of the tank. This is not how the tank is going to look. I'm just toying with the DW for now. I have two other small pieces that will find their way in the tank as soon as they decide to sink.

For now though here is whats going on:



Would love to have someone tell me what this is. I liked the way it grew in the display tank but there was some confusion as to what it's called:

More of this going along the back of the tank.

Some new micro sword...

Ignore the helmet you see...it's just there for the time being so my pleco has a hiding place:


Well that's all for now...
Sweet! I wanted a nice midground plant I guess that will do the trick. I plan on breaking the mat up and having it in a couple different places in the tank.
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