Wet/Dry On A Reef Tank Advice

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 26, 2012
I recently won a Eshopps wd-75cs wet/dry and a s-300 snow cone skimmer from Eshopps. I want to ditch the canister I'm using and want to use the wet/dry as a mini sump since I don't have one cause I'm in an apartment on the second floor. I am going to remove all the bio balls and replace them with a CerMedia MarinePure Biofilter Media Plate ( MarinePure™ by CerMedia™ ). Going to add a acrylic box to the bottom on the wet/dry and throw in some Chaeto. Also in the intake part going to add some Phosguard and Chemi Pur. I really want to ditch this huge and heavy Marineland 3-530 Canister on my little 75 gallon. What you think?
Sounds like a sweet prize to win! You should throw up some pictures of the finished product, seems like you have some good mod ideas.

Good luck,

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