Why can't fish stay still when you want them to? LOL

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
Well, when I walked up to my 75G, one of my male Bolivians was in a very odd position, lol. He was at the side of the tank, with his head buried in the stargrass, lol. Was very strange to see. Was ssitting at an angle as well, and not straight up and down. My first though, he was sick or dead, lol.

Then I looked around, and to my suprise, there was the other male, lol. This guy was hiding in the stargrass from the other male, lol. Very interesting. So I went to get my camera, and walked up to the tank to take a pic, and as soon as I raised the camera, he came out of that position and to the glass like, Take my pic, take my pic, lol. My fish are so strange, you pull the camera out, and all the fish swarm to pose for a shot. Even the rummies do it. I pull the camera up and there's the school of rummies, lol. I have to distract them with something if I don't want them in the picture, lol.
I'd be happy if the fry would hold still long enough to count. I go cross-eyed trying to get a reasonably accurate estimate...
I know what you mean! I'd need a camera in every room in my house and even then I wouldn't be able to capture everything I wanted!
well arnt you lucky! when my fish see the camera they go running (errr swiming) UGGGG LOL :roll: well we would love some pics :D
Your roselines seemed to pause pretty well for you, though!

All the pics I have of my marble loach are a blur. He is too fast, or I am too slow. Or my camera sucks. :roll:
I frequently walk in on my Pacu doing really, really weird things. Once he sees me he immediately stops.

Sometimes i'll walk in, and he'll be entirely sideways like a flounderfish. He will sit like that for a while, struggling to stay in position, untill he notices i'm in the room. He'll never do it if he knows i'm there.

The other thing he'll do is point straight up and down with his tail nearly out of the water, with a large piece of gravel in his mouth. Honestly, i have no clue what he is doing. Its almost like the rock weighs so much that it makes him float like that.

I'll walk in to find that he has pulled the air line out from the air stone and is chewing holes in it. I've seen him latched onto the hood for the lights. The part that he bights is at least 1" above the water line. He will have part of his face out of the water and just be latched onto the plastic housing, hanging there like an idiot.

By far the most peculiar fish i have ever seen. Once he sees me there, he immediately stops and pretends he wasn't doing anything stupid. Maybe i'll have to sneak in with a camera one time and show you guys. I really wish i had a webcam so i could spy on him.
The part that he bights is at least 1" above the water line. He will have part of his face out of the water and just be latched onto the plastic housing, hanging there like an idiot.

By far the most peculiar fish i have ever seen. Once he sees me there, he immediately stops and pretends he wasn't doing anything stupid.
I think I am in love with your pacu-what a riot!
Sometimes i'll walk in, and he'll be entirely sideways like a flounderfish. He will sit like that for a while, struggling to stay in position, untill he notices i'm in the room. He'll never do it if he knows i'm there.

LOL! You have just got to take some pics for us all!!! This sounds hilarious :D
Next time i am home i will try to catch him in the act.

My father seems to have a funny Pacu story every time i talk to him.
I somehow managed to train some of my fish to "pose" for me and if I put my hand up as if to say "stop" they'll just kinda sit in the same spot for a while and I can ask them to turn around and then pose..it's awesome xD lol
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