Creepy Photos

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klam said:
Is that mermaid real or did someone sew a few things together to create it?

Its a taxidermic reproduction of the original feejee mermaid 'gaff' manufactured by P. T. Barnum for his museum...the typical 'feejee mermaid' is half monkey (usually spider monkey), and half fish. It takes some skill to create a plausible one.

The Jenny Hanniver is also a kind of gaff, but in this case, it is simply a species of marine ray that has been cut in a particular manner prior to drying. Jenny Hannivers used to be sold quite commonly in Mexico as souvenirs.
Hmmm ...

As far as "creepy" goes, I'd go with the dolls' arm poking out of a sink filled with rusted metal electrical components, found in an abandoned mental institution:

But since the previous entries are more about "gross" creepy than mood creepy, here goes ....

A seething wall of cockroaches, in a cave off of some sewers:

Straddling a torrent of raw sewage (in rubber waders - kids, don't try this)

A sewer tunnel dripping with slime molds:

And some close-ups of said slime:



Yep, that's me, and yes, I'm an explorer, too. Calgary ... hmm ... do you know Mr Sable? Or more recently, the UEA crew? I run the Action Squad site.

This is the first time I'm run into another explorer on a fish messageboard ... pretty cool!
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