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But the one easiest one would be the GUPPY!

but if you are looking for $$$ or something easily sold, I'd do angels/corys/plecos
so how do i breed them and are there any specific species of mollies, guppies, platys, etc
All types of Molly will mix and breed and you will get some cool colour variants when the babies grow. This is the same for mixed guppies, mixed platys, mixed swordtails and mixed endlers.

Endlers will readily breed with guppies also, as can platys and swordtails. Some people say an endler-guppy cross is ugly mind and you probably won't be able to sell them to LFS.

All you need to do is choose one species, your favourite from the list, and get perhaps one male and two or three females (to stop him chasing one female and tiring her out).

After that keep them well fed and water changes up to scratch and within six week max you will have your first lot!

Just my opinion but it may help you choose. I find swordtail fry have better survival rate if left in main tank as they are born bigger than other fry, endlers will rarely eat there babies like the other species and mollys usually drop a lot more fry regularly (30+).
asianguy3 said:
which one are the coolest? in your opinon @Aron

Platys!! Pretty cool fish colorful and active + doesnt have to have big tank like mollys. Swordtails and guppys come in second. Got platys myself.
I would say guppies just because you can get so many different kinds, different patterns and different colours. Veil tail, lyre tail, ribbon, full moscow, sword tail.. The list goes on!

They are always active and if you get males with big fins and big tail, they are such beautiful fish the way they flutter around. I think of them as the peacock of the freshwater fish world!

Breeding is easy and fry are often strong enough to survive with little to no special care. Then as they get older they start developing their colours which is so exciting as you find out who the father was or even surprise yourself with a cool new variant you haven't seen before as the result of mixing colours from parents.

what freshwater fish breed the easiest?

Are we looking to breed for the experience or for the money?

Truthfully, while there really isn't any real expertice needed to breed livebearers, there is also no real money in doing it either. If you're looking for the financial end of it, I can make some suggestions. ( I breed fish for love and the money :brows:)

What's a good money making fish that you could do with a 30 gallon and 10 gallon tank???
I'm going with Bristlenose plecos the lfs here has interest in buying them.
Cool. I'd go with a longfin (and/or albino) variant, they seem to be less common and typically sell for more than your standard fin brown. If at all possible, try to get some that are already established breeders, or at least sexable size. Bn plecos can take around a year or so before they are old enough to breed, so try to get them at adult or near adult if you can.

If you can't get them at a sexable size then I suggest getting a group of 4-6 to give you the best odds of a viable pair.
Guppies are one of the easiest to get your feet wet breeding & raising fry. But there isn't much as far as trading them for store credit. You could also consider some type of wild livebearers like the Limia's

Now if you going for a bit of financial return that's when you research you local market or you can learn to ship in the future which even opens up more.
i would defo say guppys there much brighter in colour and are the easiest to breed they basically live to do it in my tanks:) you get great colours off them if you have nice coloured males in your tank and my ratio is 2x females to every 1x male, good luck!
BN Plecos, great :)

I'm going with Bristlenose plecos the lfs here has interest in buying them.

Make sure you read Jetajockey's suggestion for uptaining your breeders. Plecos need to be approx 2 years old before they can breed.
The entire process for spawning is a bit much to post on a thread so PM me for further breeding instructions.

Good luck (y)
I have a 29 gallon aquarium for all this. Would it be viable to get 1 male and 2-3 females(all sexual mature)? If so is there a place online where I can buy fully grown albino's/longfin?

Also I have an empty 10 and 20 gallon(long) tank for the babies!

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