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Without. Is the plant a fake or real? The plant seem to just attract too much attention too itself and makes the driftwood not look as well. Without us a definite for me.

Its fake. And i get what your saying. I just felt like there needed to be a little green in the middle, but i'm not sure.
Its fake. And i get what your saying. I just felt like there needed to be a little green in the middle, but i'm not sure.

Get a few java ferns it will look beautiful and add some moss it looks gorgeous. There's a pic of my fern on driftwood.


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I got it at my LFS, they have bucketloads of driftwood! And yeah maybe. I don't want to have to do anything to maintain plants though like trimming, fertilizer, other chemicals etc.

Fertilizer is easy but not necessary and java ferns don't need trimming they grow extremely slow and never need trimming and if you get the ferns small itll take years before a trim. I hate fake plants though so I'm biased. All my tanks have real plants lol


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I got it at my LFS, they have bucketloads of driftwood! And yeah maybe. I don't want to have to do anything to maintain plants though like trimming, fertilizer, other chemicals etc.

Yeah. Java ferns grow quite slow and don't need special ferts, lighting, co2, etc. anubias doesn't need that either
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