Recent content by AquaticAl

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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    Can there be only 1 dominate male?

    Can't males co-exist fine if there are no females present? I have seen quite a few all male tanks on YouTube
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    Can there be only 1 dominate male?

    In my 40 breeder I have 4 or 5 male peacocks and about 4 female peacocks of breeding size. Everyone was getting along fine for the past few months but now there is constant bullying when a new alpha male takes over after moving the original alpha to a bigger tank. Each alpha ruins the colors of...
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    Help ID

    Looks like an OB zebra
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    Neolamprogulos tretocephalus

    Hey guys was at my not so lfs today and saw these guys, often referred to as the poor mans frontosa. They are relatively cheap for their size so was thinking of picking them up for my peacock tank. Anyone ever had these?
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    Does more food = increased growth?

    What type of temps are you talking for growth? I keep peacocks and mbuna and keep my temps at 80
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    Does more food = increased growth?

    Was curious to hear what people know or have found regarding quantity of food and how it affects growth rates of Africans. Obviously food is required for them to grow and be healthy but am wondering if by feeding more they will grow faster or if I'm just polluting the water.
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    Strip females before vacation?

    Have quite a few holding females both peacocks and haps in my 55 gallon. Several are about 15 days along now and next Friday I am leaving for a 4-5 day vacation. I wam worried that they will spit when I'm gone and that all babies will get eaten. I currently have a cycled 10 gall with planar a...
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    Vacation for 5 days, buy autofeder?

    Hey guys, my spring break is coming up soon and I will likely be gone around 5 days tops. For winter break when I was gone for a week I bought an eheim autofeeder and it worked great for my 40 gal Malawi tank but now I also have a new 55 as well. Do you guys think it it worth it to but another...
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    DIY filter

    I'm looking into building something similar. How did you attach the bottle to the pump? Also, what type or sponge is that and where did you get it?
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    Picked up 5 labs and 3 acei on Craig's list yesterday for 2 bucks a piece. The fish look good but I am wondering if this acei has bloat. It isn't swimming weird or anything but it's tummy looks sooo much more full then any acei I have ever had.
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    Valentines day magic

    Woke up this morning to find that 4 of my cichlids are now holding! 3 being peacocks and the fourth a lithobate. They were all eating yesterday and now there mouths are closed shut and jaws are packed! It's weird too because prior to this I could not get my fish to breed.
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    Set up a new 55 gallon for Africans.

    For what it's worth the mbuna are 2 yellow tail aceis, a rusty, and I had two yellow labs but sold them( thinking of getting more). I agree with the part about 4 months not be all that much time but from everything I have learned the fore mentioned mbuna are less aggressive, relatively speaking.
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    How much do you pay for peacocks?

    How much do you guys pay for 3-4 inch male peacocks/ haps and what do you consider to be a good deal?
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    2 aqua clear 50's enough?

    Thanks for the input guys, I went a head and took one of the 50s back and bought an aqua clear 70 which ended up only being 5 bucks more. The box has a promotion on it where you can get a years worth of filter inserts by sending in your receipt and the UPC code on the box. Anyone done this?
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    2 aqua clear 50's enough?

    Recently I set up a 55 gallon in addition to my existing 40 gal breeder. I moved my aqua clear 70 onto my 55 gallon and now my 40 gallon has 2 aqua clear 50's. This tank has about 15 juvie peacocks int it currency and I'm wondering if this will be enough filtration. If not I was planning on...
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