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  1. ReyK

    Is my 29Gal FOWLR tank adequately stocked or could I add a couple more fish?

    Hello, I’m pretty new to saltwater fishkeeping, and definitely still learning, so any suggestions and/or constructive criticism is welcome. I started with a 15 gallon pico reef tank with a couple clowns and various inverts about 5 months ago I think, but quickly realized that was a nightmare...
  2. ReyK

    Will the Coralife LED Clip-on Marine light work for any corals or anemones?

    I'm extremely new to saltwater, and I'm having trouble figuring out my lighting situation. I bought a Coralife LED Clip-On Marine light today because it was literally the only marine light my local store had, got it home, set it up, and surprise, surprise, it's not all that bright. According to...
  3. ReyK

    Does using live sand and rock really allow you to “skip” the nitrogen cycle?

    I just started my first saltwater nano tank after ~12 years of freshwater fishkeeping, and I got 20lbs CaribSea Arag-Alive Bahamas Oolite for my 15gal column tank, as well as a couple live rocks (getting more today, just didn’t wanna accidentally get too many to start as LFS doesn’t accept...
  4. ReyK

    How do I properly filter a divided betta tank? (20long)

    I decided to get a 20 gallon long tank and divide it into 4 equal sections of 5 gallons each to house my bettas instead of having 4 separate smaller tanks, but I’m running into an issue with filtration. I’m concerned that if I put a 20gal HOB, all the flow will go into 1-2 sections making those...
  5. ReyK

    40g Breeder "Castle Tank" Stocking?

    Hello, it's been a while since I posted on this site, but essentially I moved in February and when I did so, I upgraded my 40 breeder tank to a 65-gallon tropical community tank, and my 40 has been in storage for the last couple months, but I decided to take it out and set it up again. The...
  6. ReyK

    Oddball ideas for a 5 gallon nano tank?

    (apologies in advance for the small novel, but I've got a lot to say/ask lol) I had this 5.5 gallon tank I was using for cherry shrimp, but I upgraded them to a 10 gallon with substrate specifically for plants and shrimp. The 5.5 was just chilling in my kitchen floor, so I decided to put it on...
  7. ReyK

    10 gallon column tank stocking

    I bought a Top Fin Fascinate tank this week which is a 10 gallon column tank. I switched the filter for a Top Fin MF10 because it’s quieter than the HOB that came with the tank and I like the adjustable water flow and direction. The heater is set to 80-82°F. I planted it with rotala and another...
  8. ReyK

    What plants would be good for a Pea Puffer tank?

    I have two pea puffers and I'm setting up a new 10 gallon tank for them as the 5.5 I had them in was way too tiny, and they're doing alright in my 20 long community tank, but I've done more research and talked to more people, and I've come to the conclusion that they'd be better off in a...
  9. ReyK

    Should African dwarf frogs be kept in groups?

    I have an ADF in my 20 long community tank and I was wondering whether or not I should get another frog or two so the one I have won’t be lonely, or is it better for them to be solitary? He’s very active as it is, but would it be better for him to have another frog around to interact with?
  10. ReyK

    Bottom Dwellers for my 20G Long?

    I upgraded my 10 gallon betta sorority tank to a 20 Long, and I really love the new tank and it’s scape, especially since it’ll give my bettas more room for territory establishment, but I feel like the tank needs some sort of bottom dwelling fish or invert but I’m not sure what to add without...
  11. ReyK

    Betta and Angelfish?

    I'm setting up a 38-gallon tank for my dad, and I'm thinking of stocking it with something like 3-4 angels and 10 cardinal tetras or something similar. Sounds like a pretty decent stock to me, but my stepmom also really likes betta fish, and I know people say you can't keep bettas with other...
  12. ReyK

    38 Gallon Bowfront Aquascape and Stock?

    This week I scored a screaming deal on a 38 gallon bowfront aquarium kit brand new, never even out of the box off Craigslist for my dad and stepmom’s house, and I’m trying to figure out some ideas for the scape and stock for the tank that they’ll love. My dad wants very colorful fish, but...
  13. ReyK

    Opinions on FW Nano Aquarium Stock Ideas?

    I’ve kept Nano tanks off and on since I was about ten years old, and I’ve heard a lot of different opinions on what kind of fish/inverts are suitable for tanks ten gallons or less, and I want to hear more opinions. I recently acquired a new 5.5 gallon Topfin starter kit and a used Marineland...
  14. ReyK

    37 Gal Tropical FW Stocking?

    I have kept many small tanks over the past decade or so, all 30 gallons or less, and now I'm helping a family member set up and design a tank for her home (I will be around to help maintain it regularly since I live next door to her). She's decided there is no particular budget and will buy...
  15. ReyK

    2.5 Gallon Planted Nano: Betta, Shrimp, or AFD?

    I have a 2.5 gallon planted nano tank that I originally got for a female baby betta, but unfortunately the fish was unhealthy when I got it. I had been hoping a more healthy environment would help her to heal, but I guess she was too weak and a few days later she died. The tank’s got a 10 watt...
  16. ReyK

    Dwarf Gouramis nipping fins/What to do with my rasboras?

    I recently got home from serving in the military and decided to take up fishkeeping again after a long break, and I decided to get a 20 gallon tall tank (I got a kit from Aqueon with a QuietFlow 20 filter, LED lighted hood, and a 100 watt heater). It has two chunks of red lava rock and two...
  17. ReyK

    Will different types of kuhli loaches school together?

    Warning: there's a bit of reading and I ramble a bit: I have two black kuhli loaches in a 10-gallon planted tank with a very docile betta, and I recently came across two more black kuhlis, as well as three zebra kuhlis at a local fish store-- I say "local" because it's local to my mom's, which...
  18. ReyK

    How many guppies is too many for a 15-gallon?

    Hello all, there's a bit of reading to this inquiry, so my apologies, but here it goes: I currently have what appears to be 3 male, 2 female, and 1 currently unsexed guppy in my 15-gallon column tank, and before you say it, yes, I know I should have at least 2 females for every male. I'll get...
  19. ReyK

    Can polymer sand be used safely in aquariums?

    I have two 2.2lb jars of polymer sand from Brookstone (a store that sells cool toys, gadgets, furniture, etc. if you're unfamiliar) and the packaging says it's non-toxic, but I was wondering if it would be safe for aquarium use since I've had these two jars for over a year and have played with...
  20. ReyK

    What algae-eating fish/invert would you recommend for a small tank (15 USgal)?

    I've got a developing algae problem in my 15-gallon column tank. There are a couple factors that could possibly be contributing to this problem, but the most likely culprit is the fact that in the afternoon, it gets lots of indirect sunlight, even with the curtains closed. I clean the tank walls...
  21. ReyK

    What's your favorite/least favorite tank shape?

    I really like the look of column-shaped and cube-shaped tanks for some reason. I don't really dislike traditional rectangular-shaped tanks, they're just not my favorite. I almost always dislike the look of any tank that is rounded, whether it's a bowfront, an orb, or a cylindrical column. I...
  22. ReyK

    I need help finding stock for a 10-gallon tank for a picky owner

    Okay, so my sister has a 10-gallon tank with a black moor and a comet goldfish (WAAAAAYYYY overstocked, I know, but she's saving up to get something a lot more suitable; something between 30 and 60 gallons). She's trying to figure out what to put in the 10-gallon once she gets her goldfish tank...
  23. ReyK

    How many shrimp would you keep in a 3-gallon nanotank?

    I have a 3-gallon Tetra acrylic cube tank with LED lighting, a sponge filter, and about 4 or 5 different species of plants. The tank's current stocking is two African Dwarf Frogs, a zebra nerite snail, and three red cherry shrimp. How many shrimp would you recommend for this size tank without...
  24. ReyK

    Why does my ADF seem more happy in my 3-gal vs my 15-gal?

    When I got my two African dwarf frogs a few days ago, I put them in my 15-gallon column (13.5"l x 13.5"w x 19"h) and the larger one settled in right away and swims around the bottom fairly actively, especially at night. The smaller of the two, however, refused to leave the top of the tank...
  25. ReyK

    Would getting a new filter require me to cycle my tank again?

    I've had a Tetra 3i in my 3-gallon cherry shrimp tank, and it's completely cycled and everything, but I just got a sponge filter so I can eventually try to breed my shrimp. They're both air-powered and I only have one air pump, so I hooked up the air line to the new sponge filter but left the 3i...
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