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    My Bearded Dragon (LOTS OF PICS)

    Its been a while since ive posted anything, so heres my Bearded Dragon... Ive had him for like 2 Months....Heres when I first got him at (6" long) And Here he is now at 12"
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    Got A new HOB Filter, need help...

    I just bought a new HOB Filter (Tetra Whisper 20), I mostly got it to help my 10 gal. tank, because I felt that my other filter wasnt really helping(since I have quite a few fish in there)...The old filter has been running since June of 2006...
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    My 10 gal. Aquarium fish...

    Hi, This is my Final list to stock my 10 gal. tank...6 Neon tetras, 3 Otos, 4 Ghost Shrimp,3 Black Kuhli Loaches...Is this good??
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    Almost Done Stocking my 10 Gal. Tank...

    Heres the "ALMOST" done list of what im for sure gonna keep in my tank........6 Cardinal Tetras, 3 Otos, 4 Ghost Shrimp, 2 Dwarf Crawfish (male/female), I also have Malaysian Trumpet Snails in there....Thats about it, im just looking for a centerpiece fish....
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    10 Gal. Aquarium Stocking Questions...Again

    Well since I gave away DP's, I thought id but GBR's but ive always liked having my Aquarium full with fish that are colorful and that are always fun to watch, and also I like to have more than 1 or 2...So far I only have 1 Oto, I have thought about getting 6 or more Cardinal tetras, and getting...
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    Just 10 gal. stocking questions///

    I used to have 3 Dp's Until my uncle came to visit all the way from Texas, and asked if he could have them for his 30 gal. So I gave them away, they were 2 Females and 1 male. One of the females didnt make through the whole trip....So know my 10 gal. is ALL ALONE, well it only has 2 Otos, Now im...
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    Is this ok?...

    I been getting a bit of Black beard algae on the sides of my tank and on a piece of driftwood, I had already managed to get rid of it a while ago, by using Hydrogen Peroxide. Now I want to do the same thing but now I have 3 Dwarf Puffers in there, will they be ok?
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    I Decided What I Want for my 50gal....

    As I already posted here, I bought a 50 gal. tank a while ago, and wanted to get a Red-Eared Slider but I decided that I wasn't ready to get a 140 gal. tank, just to keep 1 turtle!! So I looked around and decided to get a Bearded Dragon, I have the set-up almost complete, im just missing a...
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    New 50 gal. Terrarium

    I just bought this 50 gal. ($60 on Terrarium ,and im stuck im in between getting anoles, or red-eared sliders. Im sure ill figure it out. :P
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    WTB: Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does any one has a bottle of this? I need it sort of ASAP, Ive tried petsmart but they dont carry it. Ive tried two other stores and they told me they could order some, but it would take 1-2 weeks, and I cant wait...
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    How can I tell if my puffers have IP's...

    Is there a sign, or someway I can tell if any of my puffers have internal parasites? TIA
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    WTB: Common Pond Snails

    I want to start breeding these for my puffers, since Im only feeding them ramshorn snails, and I know that common pond snails reproduce faster and are much hardy....If any one has some for sale, or free (one can hope :D ) Let me know....
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    Got My New Puffs Today...

    Hi, I just got 3 dwarf puffers, im not sure about their gender but it seems like I got 1 male for sure...all 3 are Carinotetraodon travancoricus. At first (after acclimating) when they were put in the tank, all three just layed down on the java moss for like 5-10 min. then they started to get...
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    Filter Cartridges...

    My filter cartridge is falling apart now i have to change it, but how do I do it? Do I just take the old one out and put the new one in?...or do I leave the new filter sit for a while in the tank...
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    (Dwarf Puffers)A quick story, some questions, And SNAILS....

    Heres the quick story, I have a 10 gal. tank, it currently has 7 neon tetras, 3 otos, cherry shrimp, MTS, Ramshorn Snails, and common pond snails, Also its semi-heavily planted..... I had a Dwarf Gourami, i had to put him 'away' because he had dropsy (this was on Wednesday, Jan, 17)...After i...
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    Sick Dwarf Gourami.

    1~What type of fish is afflicted? In addition, please describe what is wrong with the fish to the best of your ability (i.e. cotton like growth, bloated, etc.). Dwarf Gourami..Has Dropsy 2~What are your tank parameters (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, temp, pH)? Please give exact values. Amm.-0...
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    My Water Parameters...

    I tested my water and heres the results, they look normal to me but my phosphate is kinda high... Nitrite-0 Ammonia-0 Nitrate-15 PH-7.2 KH-3 Phosphate-5.0(Maybe More)...How do I lower my...
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    New 10 gal. DP aquarium...

    Im thinking of buying another 10 gal. for some DP's, I was also thinking of stocking it with 2-3 otos, i would feed them Blackworms, freeze dried bloodworms, small ramshorn snails from my other 10 gal. tank., the tank will be planted...i was just wondering how often should they be feed snails...
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    Water temp. during PWC's...

    I was just wondering when I do a water change how do I make sure I have the water the same temperature as the tank?, i have already read not to adjust the temperature at the how do i do it? Thanks in advance.
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    Higher lighting for 10 gal.

    Currently i have 2 - 10 watt PC bulbs and im looking to upgrade my lighting, i know walmart sells some light bulbs, now what should i look for, and what should i stay away from? thanks in advance, oh and i am gonna be running a DIY co2 system. thanks in advance.
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    Videos of my 10 gal. aquarium.....

    Not very good videos (as far as quality), but its something.....I had barely done a pretty good and needed trim of all my plants..
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    10 gal. tank, (just a test)

    This is a picture of my 10 gal. tank from a while a go, (i still had problems with BBA and the gravel was blue) now ive controlled BBA and switched to eco-complete. Anyways im just testing the image resizer.(sorry bad quality pics)
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    Question on Eco-complete and established tanks.

    On the back of the bag it says to "discard liquid content if adding Eco-Complete to established tanks", should i do this or go ahead and put it all in?
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    Bleach solution on Blackbeard algae....

    Im gonna change my gravel, on the weekend so, i read the article here on how to do it, so im fine with that, but i been battling Blackbeard algae, i seem to have controlled it since its not growing anymore, and the plants infected are seem to be doing fine, theres still some on some leaves (but...
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    Cherry Shrimp and dwarf Gouramis.....

    is it ok to have Cherry shrimp and dwarf gouramis in the same tank?, the tank does have lots of hiding spots. thanks in advance.
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