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  1. F

    How to get rid of Nerite Snail Eggs?

    I know Nerite Snails eggs dont hatch in freshwater, and thats the main reason I have them. But I dont like how they lay eggs everywhere as it doesnt look good. Is there another animal that will eat their eggs? And is it true that if I just leave it, eventually it will go away by its own?
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    Rummy nipping on Betta!!!

    1 Betta and 13 Rummynose in a 25 gallon tank. I never had an issue with, but today I noticed the Rummynose going after the Betta fins twice! They used to be scared of the Betta as they were much smaller, and I only had 8 of them. But now they are bigger and I have 13, it seems like the Betta is...
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    Male Clown Killfish

    Can I have all male Clown Killfish considering they look better? Or does it have to be 1 male 2 female ratio?
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    Hard to catch shrimp

    I was just told that Red Cherry Shrimp can bread alot and really fast, so I decided to remove them, and keep my Amano as they wont bread. But I have a big tank with plenty of hiding sports, its extremely hard to attempt to catch any of them!
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    Is this hair algae?

    I noticed hair looking algae on my moss plant, but im not sure if it is? Is it an issue? I just removed the entire moss as I dont want it to spread and be an issue in my tank long term.
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    Nerite snail not eating

    None of my Nerite snail eating the algae wafers! I leave the wafers for 24 hours and they still dont eat it! Sometimes I pick the Nerite Snail and place it on top of the wafer, but they would move away! Should I continue adding Algae wafers everyday?
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    Mystery Snail and Salt!!!

    I add Aquarium salt to my tank, not knowing Mystery Snails dont tolerate it, as im used to having Nerite Snails. Thankfully I did not add a high dose, so snails survived, but the salt has been in the tank for 5 days! I only knew something was wrong when I tried to pick it up, and it couldnt...
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    Am I overstocking my tanks?

    I wanted to ask if anyone think im overstocking my aquarium, which increases bioload, and might lead to increased Ammonia. 10 Gallon Aquarium: 1 Betta 6 Harlequin Rasbora 6 Nerite Snail 3 Cherry Shrimp 3 Amano Shrimp 25 Gallon Aquarium: 1 Betta 10 Rummynose Tetra 4 Mystery Snail 3 Cherry...
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    Purigen bag?

    Im trying to use Purigen, but the bag I bought wasnt fine enough to hold the Purigen in it was spilling over! I then bought Seachem The Bag, but it was way too big to fit in my filter! I dont want to waste more money, so can someone please link me a bag thats fine enough for Purigen and is...
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    Cholla Wood?

    I have big size Cholla Wood, and its my favorite Aquascape decoration to add to all my Aquariums. My issue is they eventually get dark black stains on them that looks like Algae? and it ruins the how the Aquarium looks. I removed it, washed it with hot water, cleaned it with tooth brush.. but...
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    Cloudy water after cleaning!

    I did a full cleaning by removing big objects out of the way, then vacuumed all the gravel. ALOT of stuff came out, and the water in the bucket was black! During the process I did a 50% water change too. But for some reason, my aquarium is now very cloudy, even after the full cleaning and 50%...
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    Eggs on aquarium wall

    I have mystery snails, these dont look like mystery snail eggs! Does anyone know what they are? are they even eggs?
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    Green Bugs on Frogbit!

    I just noticed I have these bugs or insects on my frogbits, are these normal or should I do something to remove them?
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    Easiest way to feed vegetables to snails

    I know its easy, but I hate cooking vegetables every couple of days for my snails. Is it okay to cook a bunch of vegetables like zucchini and spinach then freeze it? or buy canned vegetables?
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    Wonder Shells effect Betta?

    Im using wonder shells for my shrimp and snails, but im wondering if it will negatively effect my Betta? It increases water hardness, but I only do a small one once a month
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    Java Fern Brown Hair?

    When I first get my Java Ferm, they look so good. But eventually they start getting brown hair all over them! I know its not algae, its coming out from the plant itself. I red some things about it but got confused!
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    How many Tetras can I add?

    I have a 26 gallon tank, with one Betta, 11 Rummynose, and 4 Mystery snails. I love the Rummynose, but they look like a regular silver fish from a distance. I think adding Neon Tetras would make the colors in the tank look better. Is there more room to add Neon Tetras?
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    Rummynose jumping!

    Every time I close the lights of my Aquarium, my Rummynose freak out and start swimming really fast, and try to jump out of the tank! I had a couple of them die but now I lowered the Aquarium water 2 inches, and every time they attempt to jump they are not able to. Whats the solution for this...
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    Betta keeps spitting food!

    I have a giant Halfmoon Koi Betta that eats anything I give him with no issues. But recently, hes been spitting the same food he used to love! I even put garlic on it and he still refuse to eat it! I did move him to a new tank with rummynose tetras, and I noticed him eating some of their food...
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    Shrimp and snail wont eat

    When I feed my snail and shrimp, they almost never eat what I give them. I keep it in for 24 hours and they wont touch it. Should I remove the uneaten food after 24 hours, or leave it there for days?
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    Snails that dont lay eggs

    I know some snails like Nerite cant hatch their eggs in freshwater, but they still lay their eggs. What kind of snail doesnt even lay eggs in freshwater? I heard red racer nerites dont lay eggs but im not sure..?
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    Fog mist bother bettas?

    Does the fog mist machine bother the bettas? considering they always like breathing air? They make my aquarium look amazing but I was wondering if its bothering the betta
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    Brown algae all over my aquarium??

    Im doing fish in cycle for my aquarium, but im having alot of brown looking algae all over the aquarium. Im not sure what it is and I never had this issue in my other aquariums. I always use Seachem Prime with Stability when my aquarium is not cycled, but I forgot to use stability this time, so...
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    Sticky white things in aquarium?

    I get these white sticky glue looking things in my aquarium, and they are all over my plants, wood, filter, and glass. When I clean my glass it scatters all over the water for a while and makes my water look bad. I get alot of it even after a 50% water change, and doing the vacuum, and weekly...
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    Fish arrived but stressed?

    My Betta just arrived today through delivery, and he looks very healthy and beautiful. I put him in the tank with a 4 degree difference in temperature, and forget to drip water for 2 hours, so im not sure if I shocked his system? He is breathing fast, and hes barely swimming, and hes trying to...
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