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  1. TotallyCoral

    Cant lower ph

    Haha yeah no problem! And yeah, definitely try tap water. It keeps my pH around neutral. :)
  2. TotallyCoral

    Cant lower ph

    Honestly, in my experience I've learned it's better to have a stable, consistent pH rather than try to mess with it using pH down and other additives. The only time I've messed with it was when I was fishless cycling and used crushed coral to stabilize it. Other than that, I see no reason as...
  3. TotallyCoral

    Recently updated my tank

    Cool tank! Sorry to break it to ya, but I know for a fact that those "mondo grasses" will not survive and will rot eventually as they are not fully aquatic plants. Best remove them so they don't foul your water. Not too sure about that fern either... Try some anubias or java fern or maybe even...
  4. TotallyCoral

    Upgrade idea?

    Haha, it's all you! You know your space (how the tank would look near and far) better than me so just visualize which tank would look better in your space. That's what I did when deciding between a 36 or 46. Just visualize! Haha. But if you really want those extra inches then go for it!
  5. TotallyCoral

    Upgrade idea?

    Nice! I wish I had more table space lol. Anyways, Craigslist is a great place to look if you want a complete set up. Other than that, you can always keep an eye out for petco's dollar per gallon sale for the 29 (which would probably be easier to grab than a 37) or a 29 starter kit. But it's up...
  6. TotallyCoral

    Changing Light array

    What's so bad about the light fixture besides the plastic? It looks like a nice t5 light to me and unless you want high light then I see no point in switching fixtures. If you don't really like the plastic how about a glass versa top instead?
  7. TotallyCoral

    Angelfish color changing

    I take it you probably have a silver angelfish considering the black bars. As for the color changing, it's pretty normal. If your water parameters are fine then there's nothing to worry about. My angelfish changes colors every so often depending on his aggression level and time of day.
  8. TotallyCoral

    Fin rot!!!!

    The solution to fin rot is clean water (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, <20ppm nitrates). No meds needed. In time, the fins will heal by themselves. Keep doing water changes and you'll be fine.
  9. TotallyCoral

    Change substrate now or later?

    Yeah one day is perfect. And a bucket is fine too. Play sand is cool just make sure you rinse it a bit before the actual switching process as it will take some time. Other than that, you should be good to go!
  10. TotallyCoral

    Change substrate now or later?

    Hello! Haha I know it can be stressful but everything should work out in the end. In my experience the sand (seachem black sand) did not alter my pH, ammonia levels and things like that. I would think that as long as the sand is inert then nothing will happen. What I did was I got a spare...
  11. TotallyCoral


    Agreed. The same goes for anubias. Don't plant the rhizome or else it will rot. Instead, just tie the plant to a rock, driftwood, or decoration. But I would recommend wisteria as it grows really fast (soaking up nitrates in the process) and does just fine in low light. You'll be able to make a...
  12. TotallyCoral

    Advice in lightning

    There are a ton of options! LED's (most expensive), T5 (which I use), T5HO, and T8's are usually the norm. What kind of plants do you wish to grow? For low light (anubias, ferns, swords) LED's, standard T5's, or even stock T8's will do. For high light, specialized LED's and T5HO's work really...
  13. TotallyCoral

    Thinking about having live plants

    Fast growing plants (stem or floating) such as brazilian pennywort, water sprite and wisteria tend to "soak up" nitrates the fastest rather than more slow growing plants such as anubias and java fern. I personally love wisteria. It's super easy to take care of and it's very easy to propagate and...
  14. TotallyCoral

    Hob filter addition

    Nope I don't think it would cause any problems at all in a planted tank. I read that the beneficial bacteria can only colonize so much. They colonize only as much as they need to break down ammonia and nitrite. But either way, I wouldn't worry about it.
  15. TotallyCoral

    what is this?/ is it a fungus

    Yep I used to hate that stuff. My bristlenose pleco seemed to take care of it on the driftwood. She loves munching on it! :)
  16. TotallyCoral

    Silver Dollars <3

    Cool setup! Personally a set of 6-8 silver dollars sounds about right to me. They'll be the centerpiece of the tank for sure when they get nice and big. I've never really owned any but I've strongly considered getting some in the past. Good luck! :)
  17. TotallyCoral

    Neon Tetras and other fish

    Yep! Neons can definitely live with rams. I have about twenty neons and they all do fine with my two Bolivians. As for the other fish they all sound like good choices. Cardinals are one of my favorites though for sure.
  18. TotallyCoral

    My tank today

    Cool tank! What kind of lighting do you have?
  19. TotallyCoral

    Piranha tank

    Manzanita Driftwood works really well for creating "roots" for an amazon themed tank. I have some in my 46 rainforest tank and I ordered a huge box of the stuff online at a pretty good price IMO. Hope this helps!
  20. TotallyCoral

    tall begginner plants

    Water sprite, wisteria, jungle val, and hygrophila corymbosa are some that I can name off the top of my head. They all grow tall and fast and are pretty common to find.
  21. TotallyCoral

    Changing stock, Cory question

    Usually all cories will school together. But I've found that you'll usually find the same kind hanging around together the most. I would suggest four of the same species rather than two of two species. But it doesn't really matter all that much. They do love the extra company though. :)
  22. TotallyCoral

    Veiws on internal filters

    Hmm I don't really have a personal preference because all I use are HOB filters. However I do own a Marina i25 and the flow is perfect for a 10 gallon. It's cheap and efficient for the price. As with all filters that have/use cartridges, I usually throw them away and replace them with foam...
  23. TotallyCoral

    Veiws on internal filters

    That would be fine. What brand are you thinking about?
  24. TotallyCoral

    Plant help!

    Hello! One plant that is my bread and butter is water sprite. VERY undemanding and could easily thrive under your GLO lighting system. Very fast growing and propagation is easy. Once a plant gets big enough it'll begin growing smaller plants on the leaves and roots will form. Pluck them off...
  25. TotallyCoral

    Acquiring a planted tank!!

    Hello! You'd probably be better off ditching the Chinese algae eaters because I've heard horror stories of them getting huge and aggressive for the community aquarium. You could most definitely keep a school of tetras then.
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