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  1. My recently deceased guppy

    My recently deceased guppy

  2. Pics


  3. Loddy Dod

    ID this fungus please?

    This looks like Cladophora algae. I have some growing on my driftwood and I think it looks pretty good because it grows like moss and it is all over my driftwood. It tends to grow on driftwood and rocks directly exposed to light. Usually this algae just grows in one spot and doesn't spread to...
  4. Loddy Dod


    Good looking tank! If you could let us know your lighting that would help. Also, I think some hardscape (Rocks, driftwood) would really help your aquarium pop.
  5. Loddy Dod

    Going planted, need help!

    If you could share what size the tank is, that would be good. I personally have never tried it but I hear Pygmy Chain Sword (Echinodorus tenellus) does alright in low light. I believe because of the low light it grows upwards in search of more light rather than to its sides.
  6. Loddy Dod

    What kind of substrate to use for a new planted tank

    You can use a lot of different substrates in planted aquariums, dirt, sand, fluorite. I have never personally used dirt, but I hear it is one of the best (and fairly cheap!). I use fluorite in my tanks and it works very well, and it is not to expensive.
  7. Loddy Dod

    At Long Last.... Sydney's Rimless Tank Build!

    Lookin great! Its going to look awesome when filled in!! :dance:
  8. Loddy Dod

    Do you have rams? Lets share pics! :)

    Watch out for the white spot on his head, my GBR's developed this and died within a few weeks. I could not find any information about it. I thought it may be hole in the head disease that develops in bigger cichlids, but I couldn't figure it out. Just be wary!
  9. Loddy Dod

    Starting my aquascaping project...

    Finding a good seller and ordering off of aquabid (ebay of the aquarium world) can always work. Some people have some good deals with low or even free shipping on there. I also second the notion of
  10. Loddy Dod

    Stocking plan for new aquarium

    Yeah, gouramis are anabantoids, which means they basically breath our air, which means they stay near the surface (how cool, right??). Because you want a bigger fish, stay away from the dwarf types of gouramis, but besides that, you could go with pretty much whatever type you want. You could...
  11. Loddy Dod

    Stocking plan for new aquarium

    I think that sounds good, the pictus and roselines should be fine. For a "large surface" fish (which I am assuming you just mean big fish), you could go with a pair of angelfish, gouramis, maybe a festivus? Good luck! :thumb:
  12. Loddy Dod

    At Long Last.... Sydney's Rimless Tank Build!

    nice! I really like how the peacock gobys look. What do you mean with the HOB filter? I have had a planted tank with a HOB filter, if that is what you are asking.
  13. Loddy Dod

    Which fert regimen do you use?

    I use brightwall aquatics liquid ferts. Its what I started out with and it works well, so why not?!
  14. Loddy Dod

    At Long Last.... Sydney's Rimless Tank Build!

    :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: Subscribed! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  15. Loddy Dod


    I recently got a new tank and it came with some cheap LEDs. Before I upgraded my lights I had some anubias in there growing fine. Most low light plants should work with LEDs.
  16. Loddy Dod

    Plant identification

    I think they are both amazon swords, but the new one is a broad leaf amazon sword and the one you already had is a narrow leaf amazon sword.
  17. Loddy Dod

    Porc Chop's Tank

    Now that is the definition of cool.
  18. Loddy Dod

    What fish is this?

    I think okapizebra is correct as they are not schooling fish, but it is beneficial to keep multiple of them together.
  19. Loddy Dod

    What fish is this?

    did you only buy one? This fish are best kept in groups.
  20. Loddy Dod

    Survey on tank cleaning.

    I do a 25% water changes and gravel vac weekly. Also just scrub off algae almost everyday.
  21. Loddy Dod

    Update on my 50 Gallon

    Looks cool, maybe you could get some more hardscape. It looks a little plain with just the plants and you can barely see that driftwood. Your getting the HC to carpet, but maybe get some more mid-ground plants to surround it, that would look nice.
  22. Loddy Dod

    Planted Tank Water Changes

    I dont think it is as crucial with plants as it is with fish. You should be fine if they arent the same temp, I always have been :lol:
  23. Loddy Dod

    Anubias nana on driftwood

    I got a huge anubias nana plant at petsmart for 7 dollars. Did you check there? They have them in containers that are snail free now
  24. Loddy Dod

    Effective Water Change Calculator

    Very interesting. About how much percent of your water are you supposed to change per month?
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