10 gallon ...maybe ich?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2017
South Florida

Hi! I have a small tank with glow fish, albino Cory cat, tetra and 2 algae eaters. My glow fish was fine then over night this happened [photo attached ]and 2 hrs after I saw him, he passed ☹️. The following morning same thing happened to my tetra. Fortunately my corycat and algae eaters are still doing great. Does anyone know what disease this is? When he died he has a lot of white stuff in his mouth as well.

Any help is appreciated.
Sounds like mouth rot but unless there was white spots on their bodies there's no way to know what it could have been. But the fungus on the mouth is mouth rot. I have dealt with that before.
Hard to say from the photo. It sounds like you have stocking issues which leads to poor parameters and stressed fish with weak immune systems.
Thank you! I just googled mouth rot. For sure that's what it is. ☹️ I only had 5 tiny tiny fishies in there not I only have 3 but they seem happy.
All the fish in there are recommended for tanks larger than 10g due to max size and activity. Those species also prefer school/shoals so keeping individual fish who prefer larger groups create stress on them. It also prevents them from displaying their natural demeanor.
All the fish in there are recommended for tanks larger than 10g due to max size and activity. Those species also prefer school/shoals so keeping individual fish who prefer larger groups create stress on them. It also prevents them from displaying their natural demeanor.

Oh I didn't know that. Thank you for letting me know. I am pretty new to tanks. Right now I have a albino Cory cat and 2 Chinese algae eaters. Is that good for them?
Cory need groups of 5 plus an at least a 20. If it a true CAE they can reach ten inchs and need a minimum of a 55
Cory need groups of 5 plus an at least a 20. If it a true CAE they can reach ten inchs and need a minimum of a 55

I have a 55gallon also. The fish in there are aggressive though. Mostly Cichlids, will they eat them?
Idk. Im not a cichlid guy. Cae can get aggressive themselves.
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