10 gallon tank aquascaping

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Beautifully done. I'll be following this thread. :)
I love this tank!! So beautiful! I'm starting my 6g Iwagumi soon, I hope it turns out as good as yours! What type of moss is on the DW?

Thank you!!!
I'm itching to do an Iwagumi tank recently with Seiryu stone but cannot find anywhere in my area selling this stone...:(...what kind of stone are you using?
The moss on the dw is called brasil moss...
This tank is stunning.. I'm glad more people are interested in aqua-scaping in my area.. What are your specs on the tank? Substrate, lighting, etc?
This tank is stunning.. I'm glad more people are interested in aqua-scaping in my area.. What are your specs on the tank? Substrate, lighting, etc?

Lets see
10 gallon tank: 20 x 10 x 12
HOB filter
Odyssea 2x18w 6500k lighting fixture
Eco-complete substrate
and...am I missing anything here?

I will put more info on the plants I use...
Big news for me...my fire red is pregnant...i just watched her last night and there come out these wonderful yellow eggs...so excited...I have to move all the endlers and guppies to another tank to protect these coming generation...


A beautifully aquascaped tank!

May I ask where you got your driftwood? I'm not too far away here in Augusta (ok maybe it is far...) and I have been looking for some good Manzanita wood for a reboot of my 10 galling Celestial Pearl Danio Tank.
A beautifully aquascaped tank!

May I ask where you got your driftwood? I'm not too far away here in Augusta (ok maybe it is far...) and I have been looking for some good Manzanita wood for a reboot of my 10 galling Celestial Pearl Danio Tank.

The scape is made from 4 nice piece of DW combined together. It brought these DW from oversea...
Thank you!!!
Definitely following! I have a 10 gallon that I am cycling, and am planning to plant. I'm doing a low light/low maintenance one though. Your tank is gorgeous!
This is really great. I love what you have done with it. Please keep the updates coming!
Definitely following! I have a 10 gallon that I am cycling, and am planning to plant. I'm doing a low light/low maintenance one though. Your tank is gorgeous!

Thank you!!!
Low-tech tank is easier to keep up. I would love to do it one day too. I have enough low light plants to start one.
Thank you!!!
Low-tech tank is easier to keep up. I would love to do it one day too. I have enough low light plants to start one.

I was worried about the selection of plants, but I found the thread with plant profiles and found a whole bunch I really
Thanks! Have you ever thought about adding just a touch of color to the tank?

I have some rotala that turn red but hiding in the back of the tank. Im planning to have a group of rcs in the tank...I also have mini red lotus in the other tank. Do you have any suggestion?
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