155 gal stocking ideas

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 3, 2009
Ok so we've had our tank set up for a year now. So far we have 6 congo tetra, 4 boesemani rainbowfish, 1 angelfish, 6 cory cats, 1 bn pleco, and 7 swordtails.

So my question is do we have any room left... and if we do what kind of fish would ya'll suggest that are different from fish that you see everywhere and are interesting to look at or interesting to watch?
If the 155g in the header isn't a typo, you have a ton of room left.

Personally, I'd start with adding 4 more rainbows, 10 more cories, and some more angels.
Ever looked at orange laser cories? If I had a tank that big I'd definitely have a rainbow shark in there, but that's just my opinion. I also like black skirt tetras.
1+ on the rainbow shark have one myself and he's my favorite fish he guards his territory but as long as no one bothers him he should not be too aggressive.
ok so I had a supprise last night when I got home. My boyfriends mom had bought 3 bamboo shrimp so is there anything that we could keep so that they won't be harmed or eaten?
Bamboo shrimp get too big for your fish to eat. They're filter feeders, so they need some water flow in the tank to bring them food. They're also pretty good escape artists.
You've pretty much got the tank and fish that I hope to have some day. I might add a school of zebra danios, maybe the glo-fish variety to add a splash of bright color. You could add more shrimp. You can get red shrimp, yellow shrimp, green shrimp, blue shrimp, ghost shrimp, or maybe a bright blue freshwater lobster (crawfish).
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