180 gallon Discus planted

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I love the setup :) I have a 55 gal. With mostly discus and angels, then also some smaller fish like black skirt tetras, bleeding hearts, and 3 rope fish. Every once in a while I throw some neons in there, but mostly as food for the rope fish. (or sea monsters as they are called at my house) XD
paytertot said:
I love the setup :) I have a 55 gal. With mostly discus and angels, then also some smaller fish like black skirt tetras, bleeding hearts, and 3 rope fish. Every once in a while I throw some neons in there, but mostly as food for the rope fish. (or sea monsters as they are called at my house) XD

I've been trying to get my hands on rope fish! They're expensive little suckers over here
Where is "over here"? We have always had them, they're so fun to watch :) mine like to swim through our bubbler and swim around with the kuhli loaches whenever they come out.
Oh also, you said you feed your discus bloodworms and beefheart. Which do they prefer? Because I feed mine bloodworms and brine shrimp but I've never tried beefheart.
I feed mine bloodworms & live blackworms
Haven't tried beefheart yet
They seem to like the live food better
But they gobble all the food I feed them lol
I have been plagued with algae in my 180 gallon tank untill recently. I think too much fertilizing for the amount of plants.
We recently added a UV light and 2 days later algae is gone.

Our tank is only 2 months old now. Did you have any new tank issues? How often and how much do you fertilize?
I haven't had an algae out break or anyother issues just yet
Right now I don't use any ferts
I want to get a cfs-700 for the uv & some extra filtration
Thinking of using maybe fert tabs then using other ferts like kno3 or k2so4 things like that depending on what my plants need & lighting & co2
I'm still in the testing process with my plants
Want to see how they do without co2 injection
The substrate I use is is black Eco complete & going to add some Eco red
Also the areas where my plants are planted & have roots I have ADA aquasoil
Redfox1 said:
I have been plagued with algae in my 180 gallon tank untill recently. I think too much fertilizing for the amount of plants.
We recently added a UV light and 2 days later algae is gone.

Our tank is only 2 months old now. Did you have any new tank issues? How often and how much do you fertilize?

Post up some pics!:)
Also what plants do you have?
New little guys that I am adding soon


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Why do you have them in a breeder box? Are they in the main tank?
Redfox1 said:
I have been plagued with algae in my 180 gallon tank untill recently. I think too much fertilizing for the amount of plants.
We recently added a UV light and 2 days later algae is gone.

Our tank is only 2 months old now. Did you have any new tank issues? How often and how much do you fertilize?

I have algae problems now, anything else worth trying besides the light?
Keep the tank off of actual light for a few days
Reduce the light per day
Or complete blackout
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