20 Gal Planted build

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5/31 photo update. Not much to report. All rocks gone from tank now. Just added some Hygrophila corymbosa clippings from my 50 gal. We'll see how those do in the next couple of weeks!

Wow, the rotala looks awesome. Good work. You can always tell a great planted tank, when you look at the tank size and go "no way that's a 20!".
Thanks guys..I am actually seeing some die off in this tank of the oldest chainsword plants. I assume that is part of the cycle of ground cover, but will be keeping an eye on them. They definitely could be thinned out.

On another note, I was talking aquariums with my neighbor yesterday and she GAVE me a 20 gallon long! She said she wasn't using it anymore and didn't want any $ for it, so of course I took it! Now what to do with it.....! ;)
*hahaha* Just last weekend I talked him into letting me set up a Vivarium (idk if you saw my thread or not?) with my 6 year old's 10 gal (since I just got the boy that 20 long for his bday) and he (my hubby) looks at me after it's all set up and says, "At what point do you have enough aquariums?" :lol:

I didn't know quite what to say. :oops:
wow look at that view. alisha, you could be a professional photographer. that's one good shot...;-) just awesome.
Quite the rotala forest there... I remember when you were worried about it filling in ;)
Thanks Daileene :)

Yes, the rotala is quite out of control. I'm getting some new pretties from Jonathan and Roy, hopefully some of those will make into this tank to break things up a bit!
Haven't updated in almost a month! The rotala was getting way out of control in this tank. I pruned it back and tossed a bunch of it. Added some new rocks and two swords. Also a added a few crypt lutea for the shadowy areas under the hygro now that it's huge and taking up a good deal of light. Also added some star grass and pennywort that Roy was kind enough to send my way.

New full plant list:
Rotala Rotundifolia
Star Grass
Willow Leaf Hygro
Echinodorus bleheri
Crypt Wendtii Red
Crypt Wendtii Green
Crypt Lutea
Chain Sword
Ludwigia Palustris (Narrowleaf)


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Looking good as always Alisha. I really like the hard scape combo you have going there. Very nice tank!
Looking good as always Alisha. I really like the hard scape combo you have going there. Very nice tank!

Thanks, Fort. I was struggling with this tank in the last month since the rotala was EVERYWHERE and the hygro was shading out the chainsword on the leftside of the tank. Just planted/rearranged the crypts, so hopefully they will establish themselves quickly and fill in that side of the tank.
That is a breath taking tank! One of my favorite tanks I have ever seen!
Thank you! My fish are in LOVE with the twigs..since I added them to the scape, they've only been swimming in that part of the tank. It's quite amusing to watch!
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