29 Gallon Stocking Ideas ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2012
New York
Hi its my first day here so i hope im allowed to post this and its in the correct area;)
Im Fish less Cycling my 29g tank for over 1 week Now & I Would like to know If this is a Good Combination For the size of the tank..
I was Thinking...

1. Gold Gourami
2. Red Cherry shrimp
1. Clown Pleco
6. Guppies
3 .Sword tails
do i Have Room for Maybe Other Species?

and would like to thank you in advance for your efforts!:fish1:
Hi its my first day here so i hope im allowed to post this and its in the correct area;)
Im Fish less Cycling my 29g tank for over 1 week Now & I Would like to know If this is a Good Combination For the size of the tank..
I was Thinking...

1. Gold Gourami
2. Red Cherry shrimp
1. Clown Pleco
6. Guppies
3 .Sword tails
do i Have Room for Maybe Other Species?

and would like to thank you in advance for your efforts!:fish1:

:welcome: to AA! (y)

I'll let others comment on the rest of the stock.

The Gourami could get up to 6 inches long and would do better in a larger tank.
It'll also make snack out of the RCS's. You'd need plants, Rocks and Driftwood so the Cherries have places to hide. You could try Ghost shrimp first, see how they do then maybe consider Amano Shrimp instead. They get bigger than RCS.

A Dwarf Gourami or two would work better in a 29gal in terms of size.
Ok Thanks !! When My Fish Tank is Ready I will go ahead with the Ghost Shrimp & Dwarf gourami !


This is what i have right Now !
Should I add More Plants,driftwood or Rocks?

Thanks For Your Help!
Are the plants that are in there live? If so, I would leave it the way it is an give them time to grow and see how they fill the tank out, and then make a decision on if you want to add more. Looks awesome :)
with the platties and guppies just remember they are live bearers so you will have babies in no time unless you do all males or all females.
+1 to the amano shrimp since they are larger it will be less likely they will get eaten, if you deff want RCS you need alot more coverage and moss for the babies to hide in.
so far your looking good though!:welcome:
In terms of size, dwarf gouramis would be better suited for a 29, but I still would not get them, as they are very prone to disease.

Also, 3 swordtails in a 29 would be quite crowded. Full grown swordtails are quite large, and even 1 in a 29 would be pushing it IMO. I would go with 3 platys instead, they are like swordtails without the swords, and they don't get as big.
I agree with what everyone else has said so far, but you might consider getting two clown plecos! They like to have friends. :)
Oh, and if you like the look of dwarf gouramis but don't want to have to deal with all of the over production/disease issues they've been having lately you could look into thicklip gouramis. They act and look a lot like dwarf gouramis but are currently more hardy and get about 4"
Ok Thank You So Much Guys
For your Help !!
This is what Im Thinking...
6 Guppies ,4 Platties,2 Clown Plecos
3 Amano Shrimps..
But what would be Good for a Center Piece?


Ok Thank You So Much Guys
For your Help !!
This is what Im Thinking...
6 Guppies ,4 Platties,2 Clown Plecos
3 Amano Shrimps..
But what would be Good for a Center Piece?



2 Bolivian Rams would be a great centerpiece. And I still would recommend only 1 clown pleco. Plecos are little poop machines, and as a previous pleco keeper in a 29 gallon, I honestly don't think that there is really the room for 2 plecos. I also think that my 29g would not be able to withstand the bio load of 2 plecos, and I have two filters as well.
bud29 said:
2 Bolivian Rams would be a great centerpiece. And I still would recommend only 1 clown pleco. Plecos are little poop machines, and as a previous pleco keeper in a 29 gallon, I honestly don't think that there is really the room for 2 plecos. I also think that my 29g would not be able to withstand the bio load of 2 plecos, and I have two filters as well.

Ok Got You !! Thanks!
So Lol

3.Amano Shrims(Can i add Red Cherry's since Im not Getting The Gouramis?)
2.Bolivian Rams

So Lol

3.Amano Shrims(Can i add Red Cherry's since Im not Getting The Gouramis?)
2.Bolivian Rams


No, red cherries will be eaten by even small fish such as guppies, so they are really best in a tank of their own. Otherwise your stocking plan looks pretty good!
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