30 Gal Tank Mates

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 11, 2016
Hey all, I have a 30 gallon tank ready for some fish. I was thinking of putting in an apistogramma, kribensis and gourami of some kind.

I have two questions:
Will those three kinds of fish work well together?
What are some possible other thank mates to include in the tank?
Thanks in advance.
I've never tried gourami with cichlids, but probably wouldn't chance it. The gourami would make easy targets if the cichlids became aggressive. IMO, stick to dwarf American cichlids. Kribs may mix with them OK, but I usually try to not mix fish (especially cichlids) from different continents.
I've never tried gourami with cichlids, but probably wouldn't chance it. The gourami would make easy targets if the cichlids became aggressive. IMO, stick to dwarf American cichlids. Kribs may mix with them OK, but I usually try to not mix fish (especially cichlids) from different continents.

Ok so what are some other dwarf American cichlids? Sorry, I have more experience with African cichlids
I have a keyhole cichlid in my 30g, he gets along well with my guppies.

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Ok so probably a double red apistogramma, a cockatoo apistogramma and a keyhole cichlid. Maybe a smaller angelfish too?
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