5 gallon fishies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 18, 2003
Looking for fish that can fit in a 5 gallon, I already have a nice snail and a single lyretail molly. I had two but one of them died a while back. Just wondering what fish might work well with these two, fish or other aquatic animals.
A betta splendens and 3 cories (if it has good filtration adn you have good water monitoring habits), a gentler betta and some otos,
divide it and put two betta. Bettas and snails or ghosts, paradise fish, killifish, some minnows (then you don't have to sweat the heater space).
There is a thread on this board already about a 5 gallon. It had many good suggestions. :)


edit: there ya go!
there is a thread on a 5 gallon stocking in the freshwater & brackish- general discussion board
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