55 gal stocking.

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
How about an apistogramma cacatuoides double red? I think that they would look amazing with some other fish and some plants!
Well I have a 40 long I can put him in alone will that do please check my other posts have other questions about cycling.g
Im going with firemouth! How many. And what else with it. Petco has them listed as JD LOL.
How about 4 of them with some tiger barbs? HUKIT correct me if I'm wrong, again. I've checked multiple sites and multiple threads on here and that's what they suggest.
See my girl really likes colorful fish I like oscars,devils and African cichlids just seen angel fish intrested in them too
Hmm how about some corydoras or maybe a rainbow shark? Larger tetras? I've read a little on these working...
Actually I really do not know and was putting out some ideas on what I have found. I would wait until another person who has some personal experience with them and knows them better than I. I have watched them on multiple occasions at the store but that's about how far my knowledge goes. Hopefully some one more knowledgeable than I will help. Sorry for some of the confusion on here.
spankym13 said:
Kai, thanks so much!

No problem. It's just that many people including myself think that too many people aren't giving the correct information and I've had 2-3 times on this thread (the most I've ever had!) and I feel horrible for leading you the wrong way! This forum is for helping not misinforming which is partially what I've been doing. Hopefully HUKIT will be back to help you:). Good luck and post pictures! (also I'll be lurking around watching this thread;))
This thread is all over the map, what base fish are you looking at? If Firemouths are what your starting with them I would get two, best to get a pair which controls their aggression towards each other. Then this would leave some room for a small school of dithering type fish like Congo tetras are cool or something along those lines and the addition of a bristlenose plec would round out the stock list.
Yes firemouths are my fish of choice, with something else to add a little more fish. How can u sex FM when they are young in store. 2-3 inch maybe
So at the store today the had 5 small firemouths, with two convicts. 3 of the FM were stayn at the top of tank while the other two seemed to be a team running the convicts around the bottom. I noticed one was darker, and the other did a lot of gill flaring. It safe to say they are a pair?
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