55gal or 50 breeder

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 13, 2012
So i was window shopping for a 55, but I am reading "the simple guide to fresh water aquariums, second ed". He recommended 50 breeder over the 55. What is everyone's thoughts on this??
JMO, but I would opt for a 55 over a 50 breeder. The 55 long will have more swimming room vs a tall, deep breeder and a greater amount of area for oxygen exchange. More water volume is always a plus, too. Obviously, space needs and fish choice have to be factored into your choice as well. :)
Also look on Craigslist for great deals I got my 55 with stand hood lights and nearly 200 dollars worth of extras and an emperor 400 filter for $170
Also look on Craigslist for great deals I got my 55 with stand hood lights and nearly 200 dollars worth of extras and an emperor 400 filter for $170

i would LOVE to find that!!! i keep checking every day! :)
what r u stocking w/?
simplicitysarah said:
i would LOVE to find that!!! i keep checking every day! :)
what r u stocking w/?

3 pictus catfish
Probably 5 yoyo loaches
7 tiger barbs
A bristle nose and clown pleco

A little bottom heavy but I like all the fish so ya lol
The breeder tank is better suited for large fish. Large fish need bigger turning radius. For example, if I were to make a tank for a adult Green Spotted Puffer, I would use the 50 breeder since the turning radius would be a lot better. The 55 gallon would be impractical for my puffer.

Also the breeder tank will be shorter in height, which help smaller-armed people for reaching at the bottom of the tank.
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