60 gallon cichlid tank has clouded up?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 25, 2012
I have a 60 gallon tank with 6 cichlids, and for some reason my tank has clouded up. It has only been 4 days since I put the fish in. Before I put them in, I made sure that the tank was crystal clear. I am really worried that the fish will die, but they seem fine. Is there any way to get rid of the cloudiness in the tank? Would anyone knoe ehat was causing it?
You believe so? Have you been testing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? What were the most recent readings and when did u test? I would test again now and post your results, these guys can help a lot more with that info.
Bacteria bloom your tabk is just resetting. It will be clear in 3 or 4 days
CraigMac said:
You believe so? Have you been testing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? What were the most recent readings and when did u test? I would test again now and post your results, these guys can help a lot more with that info.

Take a sample to PeSmart or PetCo. They will test it for free. Post your params here and you'll get all kinds of advice.
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