60 gallon lighting question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2013
Mt. Pleasant Mi
i want to start growing plants in my tank and i dont know what light fixture i should get. Ive seen the big thing is t5HO bulbs but i just wanted some suggestions on fixtures.
My petsmart has a dual bulb fixture and i have two marineland single bulb hoods and a 21 in. led strip but i dont think that setup will cut it for most plants.
Lighting Your 60 G Tank

i want to start growing plants in my tank and i dont know what light fixture i should get. Ive seen the big thing is t5HO bulbs but i just wanted some suggestions on fixtures.
My petsmart has a dual bulb fixture and i have two marineland single bulb hoods and a 21 in. led strip but i dont think that setup will cut it for most plants.

Hello caf...

Lighting a larger tank isn't going to be cheap. I have a 55 G that's 48 inches long and I use two single bulb strips, Perfecto has a good light strip. The cost would be about $120.00, but the bulbs can be picked up at the local hardware stores. GE has a pretty good aquarium plant bulb for about $10.00 each for a 6500K, T8 or T12. Two would give you up to 80 watts of florescent light that would easily last a year.

Provided you keep plants that require subdued light, you could have a nicely planted tank for a relatively low price.

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