80 Gallon Build

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Ok so I now am done stocking planting everything is DONE!!

I got a couple Bolivian rams built a DIY cave for them and got the rest of my plants in so here is a pic

Final stocking
2 angels
2 Bolivian rams
2 farlowellas
15 rummynose
15 cardinals
15 glowlight danios
10 serpae
Very good Ryan. That is an outstanding tank. And you know you aren't done... haaha
Yeah that pic was fresh in the tank after a 1.5 hr drive it was a lot easier to tell when I bought them when the colors were bright and the pinkish orange was showing

Amazing fish regardless they buddied up with the serpea of all fish but I am just glad they are fitting in great
GodFan said:
I have never seen those. How do you reducenthe stress from the trip?

More air then usual in the bag then I packed them in a cooler bag so its completely black with a towel around them to stop the bags from moving in the cooler
More air then usual in the bag then I packed them in a cooler bag so its completely black with a towel around them to stop the bags from moving in the cooler
Thanks! My LFS is 30 minutes away and the new one I wanna try is like 45.
Yeah... and if your really that worried about it, get a battery powered air pump or those oxygen tablets they use to ship fish with.
So it's been a couple days now since I added my rams they are doing great they even hang out with the angels which are much larger I found that kind of weird and when they are not with them they hang out with the serpea the two groups I was worried about o yeah they love their new cave too and defend it if need be
Very cool fish
Well I had to get rid of 1 angel he was fighting and nipping every fish in the tank but I replaced him with 2 GBR and simplified my plants I had like 9-10 different types so I traded a bunch to get more of the ones I have now so I only have about 6 different types and I like the look a lot better
So the new stocking is
1 marble angel
2 Bolivian rams
2 farlowella
15 rummynose tetras
15 glowlight danio
15 cardinal tetra
10 serpea tetra
Java fern, java moss, amazon sword(broad), moneywort, anarchis, temple, banana, unknown broad leaf

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