90 gal tank ammonia problems

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I skipped to last page, my apologies. While you're battling the spikes, have you considered an ammonia/nitrite detoxifier? Doesn't eliminate them, but takes the toxicity out to protect the fish. (After washing the sponge, most likely resulting in a unwanted cycle, so nitrites are probably up too)
This way, the ammonia remains in the water for the BB to build, while not being dangerous to fish.
It's what I used for my 90g fish in cycle. Haven't lost a fish yet, all healthy.

May I ask, why must your filter sponge/particle pad be so clean? I find the best quality water comes from the dirtiest filter lol Rinse it every few months. I have the same Fluval and haven't change my sponge in 8 months. I just stack my biobead and other media replacements.

The more water changes you do while the Fluval is trying to cycle again, the longer it will take for it to be able to handle the bioload and keep ammonia down.
Koikid88 I've actually started to use the ammonia remover since the trouble. I use Amquel and it instantly removes the ammonia. 'I've been cleaning the filter because it was the dirty filter making the tank stay dirty. I empty the dirty water and soak in fish tank water. I've probably gotten to aggressive with cleaning because of what happened initially. I'm hating the FX5 because it's so big and heavy and seems to get so dirty...it's probably my load but I had more fish in the tank before this happened and a 10 inch Tilapia. Seems my load is less but it's more dirty. I added those prefilter sponges and in a few days those things are black when I rinse them. Sounds like I should just continue adding the ammonia remover. I was wondering if I was adding too much chemicals with that. I probably don't need to rinse the sponges but seems like I do need to empty the dirty water? One thing with the FX5...if there is a question about its efficiency I can assure you it works. lol
Changing you water will not slow down a cycle in the slightest.

You should not be rinsing your filter every week. You are removing the BB that is trying to colonize. Also, never add any sort of ammonia or nitrite neutralizer while cycling. You will only hinder the process and make it start over.
I have the bio balls (black balls with holes), chemipure, and the white ammonia chalky pieces (not sure of the name but the usual ones that are used in filters that hold the bacteria). The filter just seems always to be dirty. The water in the bucket that is. It's no joke trying to clean :(. Will order the prime. It doesn't seem to eliminate the ammonia on contact like Amquel. I always do a test after applying.
Your tests will still show ammonia when using prime...It doesnt kill ammo it just converts it so its less harmful to fish. You need to allow some ammo to stay in your water. Your bacteria needs to grow. You are adding too much stuff it sounds like. When you add chemicals it forces nature and could crash your tank when you stop adding the chemicals. You are better off rinsing off your filters in tank water then re installing them. Then use nothing but prime and change water 25% every few days. It wont take long and you wont see ammonia anymore. Also you can also use potscrubbers from the dollar store like bio balls.
OK, makes sense. Understand about the Prime. Ordered the Prime and will work on this plan now and hopefully this will work. Before the disaster I had such beautiful fish. I took buckets of large fish to the pet store to save them. I have more filtration, less fish, and an unstable tank. I just couldn't figure out what the difference was. Thanks again.
.25 ammonia
0 nitrite

Seems to always be at .25 ammonia then I'll add Amquel, it goes to 0 for a day then back to .25. Then after a few days of this I'll rinse the FX5 since I figure it's too dirty. I change the water twice a week. Could be 20% or 50% depending on the reading...if ammonia is at .50 I change 50%
Koikid88 I've actually started to use the ammonia remover since the trouble.

I never said remover! Detoxifiers are the way to go to keep fish safe. I guess malawi freak thought I said remover too, because detox doesn't restart cycling.
You have to stop washing that filter...You keep causing mini cycles...and Dump the Amquel and get prime
OK, no more Amquel, water changes and Prime. Got it! I'm so sick of lifting that filter to clean it anyway. Too heavy!

Mumma, thanks for the article.
I recently added plants to the tanks to help with the ammonia however I just read decaying plants produce ammonia. I can't win! I am going to take the dead leaves out then not replace the plants once they all die. I got the plants to help when the tank crashed but perhaps they are contributing to the constant ammonia levels.
Plants dont produce ammo...They consume nitrates...Well the decaying leaves will produce ammonia so just take them out. Plants are very good for an aquarium.
Why would they all die? If they all are dying, you aren't doing any good by having them in there. There are many plants that will survive in lowlight, and rough conditions, at least for a while. You didn't get more advanced plants did you??
And I thought you already stopped washing the filter!!! after everyone asked why you're doing that lol
The plants live but when some of the leaves die I haven't removed them. I will start now. I was emptying the water and soaking the media in fish water. I'm laying off the filter and will just do water changes as needed. The profilter sponges are visually dirty so I rinse those weekly. Still with so much aeration and filtration I don't get why I have ammonia in a less than before stocked tank.
My guess is all the cleaning has caused a mini cycle...even if its dirty dont clean it. You only rinse a filter when it wont take water flowing thru it anymore.
I lost a few more fish recently and decided to completely remove the unit. The hoses were filthy. I put a 110 aquaclear and (3) ProV Sponge filters and the tank is running fine. No ammonia for a few days in a row. Once again, it was the filter. I don't understand how it gets so clogged. It doesn't self clean and there's no way to know the hoses are clogged with gook. I can't believe all of this and I finally just removed the filter and the problem is resolved. It was throwing toxins and poision back into the water. No mater how many times I changed the water I still got ammonia readings. I contacted the manufacturer to inquire if this is the right unit for a stocked tank. Actually, the tank was only at half capacity (about 40 fish) from the beginning when I had twice as many fish and a buttikoferi (now in a 75 gal alone) and I used a 405 filter.

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