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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 7, 2018
I have a 37 gal tank which I started 6 months ago. It currently has 6 tetras, 1 black molly, one swordfish & one gold gourami. I was looking for some suggestion on adding new fish to the tank. What are some of the fish you can recommend? I was thinking about a clown loach would that be ok in this tank? I am fairly new to this hobby so confused.
Clown loach won't work in the long run. They are a social fish and prefer a group. They get large. Some up to 12 inches or better. I'd go with a different bottom dweller if that's what you are looking for. Maybe a bristlenose pleco or Cory catfish. The rest of your stock seems fine to me. A single Angel fish would be ok as well.
I really think fish are happier and healthier with companions of their own species. To have one of these and one of those doesn't seem appropriate to me. Most all fish live in schools or shoals and I think we should keep them that way. IMO, groups of fish of the same species are more attractive than a mixture of various species. What about adding more mollies or swordtails or gouramis?
Angelfish get big and can be aggressive as well.
Thx for the responses. Will definitely think about angel / Pleco & catfish.
I currently have a 29g tank with a marble Angelfish, 8 neon Tetra, a bristlenose pleco and a Pictus catfish. All full grown. Once a week 40% water change. Good to go.
I have 3 angels, Molly's, platy's, swordtails, neon tetras,Otto's catfish, and a pleco and getting a couple more angels for my 75g. You will be fine with angels too in your tank. Just arrange an area in the tank for them. You get what you want. If you get nippers take them back to the store or rearrange the tank alittle. ? every fish is different. They say neon tetras and angels don't work but sometimes they do. I pulled mine out for awhile and put them back in (had a bully angel I took out) they do just fine now.
I have 3 angels, Molly's, platy's, swordtails, neon tetras,Otto's catfish, and a pleco and getting a couple more angels for my 75g. You will be fine with angels too in your tank. Just arrange an area in the tank for them. You get what you want. If you get nippers take them back to the store or rearrange the tank alittle. ? every fish is different. They say neon tetras and angels don't work but sometimes they do. I pulled mine out for awhile and put them back in (had a bully angel I took out) they do just fine now.
All of mine were placed together at a very young age. That could be the reason I have no issues. Or I got a well tempered Angel by chance. No one messes with the Angel in my tank. Lol.
None of mine messes with the Angel. My bully is a skirt tetra glofish. He picks on the neons. The Angel doesn't even notice the other fish.
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