Advice about dwarf crayfish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 28, 2014
I just got 3 young dwarf crayfish and I would love some advice. I have a 29 gallon tank with lots of live plants. I also bought 2 cave like structures for them to hide in.

I never had them but did a Google search for basics. But I would love any advice I can get.

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I'd get some black PVC pipe and cut it into 3"sections, say 6 of the. Scatter the pipes throughout the tank and make sure to feed the crayfish a small portion of shrimp pellet every few days. They will clean up any remaining fish food and eat biofilm. If you have a 5gal bucket, get some pond or ramshorn snails and feed them fish food. They will reproduce. Crayfish love to eat snails and it helps them get calcium.
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