African Cichlid Substrate Question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 16, 2004
Lowell MA
I'm planning on getting some mbuna's in a 75 gallon tank but my water coming out of the tap is 7 and I need something to bring it up to about 8.2. I've been thinking about the Carib-Sea Eco-Complete African Cichlid sand (b/c I want sand) but I've been hearing that it's not too course. Im worried about it getting jammed up in my impellors of my AC500's (even w/sponges on the intakes)

If I have to I will buy a canister filter to go along with it if it helps any.
Does anyone have any personal experience or heard stories of this substrate? I heard for a darker substrate it is absolutely beautiful. I would use pool filter sand, but I dont want to have to pack my filters with aragonite. Too much cleaning.

Please let me know anything you guys can!
and as always, thank you!
I have the Eco Complete African sand and it is wonderful!! I love the way it looks, and all you have to do is in the first few months take an AC Mini sponge and cut an "X" into one end of it, and shove that over your filter intake, replacing the strainer. This will protect your filter motor(s). After the tank matures and bacteria accumulates in the sand it does not tend to circulate in the tank at all. My Africans love to excavate it, and it does a great job of buffering my water.

I also used crushed coral in the filters and I add Seachem Lake salt to the tank with every water change.

Excellent stocking plan for your hard-won tank! :D
Thanks for the reply, TG. I think thats exactly what I'm going to do.
I'm making plans to make a DIY backround out of styrofoam so it's going to shave about 4 inches off of the tank making it only about 14 inches in depth but I think it's soo worth it.

One question....

Is there any chance I can keep a single hap with my mbunas? I really love the venestus (giraffe hap) cichlid. I know they get pretty big but there should be enough room for just one of those guys.

Conventional wisdom says "No, don't mix the hap types with mbuna" and depending on what mbuna you are getting, I'd really say stick with one or the other. You might be able to get away with it with yellow labs, which are maybe more compatible with other types of fish, but forget it if you are going with zebras or something. Even with the labs it might not work if you have a group of them, so here I am talking myself out of it!

I have in a 44 three yellow labs and 3 peacocks, and so far so good, but I am constantly watching the mood. They are not yet mature so we shall see what happens, and I'm prepared to separate them if necessary.
Yeah. I probably shouldn't risk it...

Now when you say AC mini sponge do you mean the sponge made for the AC mini that goes in the media tray? Or do they actually sell something that goes over the intake tube called that? I've been searching and haven't pulled up a thing...

If it is the case, then would that work better than a sponge filter hookup?

Thanks again
I use the sponges designed as media for the AC Mini. They are cheap and just the right size.

I don't know if you mean running a sponge filter instead of a power/canister filter (not enough filtration for a stocked tank with substrate) or if you mean using the sponge from a sponge filter to act as a prefilter over your intake (too fine a sponge - would clog quick as a wink).
I'm sorry I wasn't specific enough! :oops:

Yeah, I did mean over my intake as a prefilter, not as a normal sponge filter. The guy that I bought the tank off of did this because his sand was so fine. He said it killed the GPH a little but protected his motor pretty well. He said to just rinse it off once a week in hot water (to kill the bacteria).

Okay then, I'd assume it to be too fine for the filter to run properly, which is important in a tank like that, but there may be different sponge filters with varying coarseness. I find the AC mini sponge is perfect. It too needs to be rinsed out pretty often.
Thanks Alot for the good advice as usual, TG! (BTW I need a real name :D I like to call the people I know on here by their first names!!)

I'll try them both out and see which better suits my needs!
I'm Liz, Dan!

Good luck with your tank :D We won't be opposed to pics of it when you are all done..... :wink:
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